by Published on 08-24-11 08:11 PM     Number of Views: 6964 

    Description: BURP aims to develop a publicly distributed system for rendering 3D animations.

    Currently this is a BETA project which means that certain restrictions apply.Not all uploaded sessions will actually be rendered right away - and sometimes you will not be able to contact the schedulers for short periods of time.
    Please note that this project is still in its testing phase and does not yet provide the security and stability of afull-blown BOINC project.

    Home Page: http://burp.renderfarming.net/

    Project Status: Active.

    Client Programs: The following Applications are supported by the project:
    Sorry, not stated on Home Page.

    Statistics: View Detailerd Information and statistics on Team SETI.USA Here

    Current Team Scores:
    by Published on 08-25-11 01:35 AM     Number of Views: 6438 

    Description: Collatz Conjecture is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in mathematics, specifically testing the Collatz Conjecture also known as 3x+1 or HOTPO (half or triple plus one). You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer.

    Collatz Conjecture is based in Wood Dale, Illinois, USA and continues the work of the previous 3x+1@home BOINC project which ended in 2008. It can run on an nVidia GPU, ATI GPU, or CPU.

    Watch this Video for further Information:


    Institution: Private.

    Official Launch: 1-6-2009.

    Project Status: Active.

    Home Page: http://boinc.thesonntags.com/collatz/

    Client Programs: Collatz Conjecture currently has the following applications. When you participate in Collatz Conjecture, work for one or more of these applications will be assigned to your computer. The current version of the application will be downloaded to your computer. This happens automatically; you don't have to do anything.

    Microsoft Windows (98 or later) running on an Intel x86-compatible CPU 2.03 (cuda23)
    Microsoft Windows (98 or later) running on an Intel x86-compatible CPU 2.05 (cuda31)
    Microsoft Windows (98 or later) running on an Intel x86-compatible CPU 2.06 (ati)
    Microsoft Windows (98 or later) running on an Intel x86-compatible CPU 2.09 (ati13amd)
    Microsoft Windows (98 or later) running on an Intel x86-compatible CPU 2.09 (ati13ati)
    Microsoft Windows running on an AMD x86_64 or Intel EM64T CPU 2.03 (cuda23)
    Microsoft Windows running on an AMD x86_64 or Intel EM64T CPU 2.05 (cuda31)
    Microsoft Windows running on an AMD x86_64 or Intel EM64T CPU 2.06 (ati)
    Microsoft Windows running on an AMD x86_64 or Intel EM64T CPU 2.09 (ati13amd)
    Microsoft Windows running on an AMD x86_64 or Intel EM64T CPU 2.09 (ati13ati)
    Mac OS 10.4 or later running on Intel 2.02 (cuda)
    Intel 64-bit Mac OS 10.5 or later 2.02 (cuda)
    Platform Version Installation time
    Microsoft Windows (98 or later) running on an Intel x86-compatible CPU 2.00 (mmx)
    Microsoft Windows (98 or later) running on an Intel x86-compatible CPU 2.00 (sse)
    Microsoft Windows (98 or later) running on an Intel x86-compatible CPU 2.03 (cuda23)
    Microsoft Windows (98 or later) running on an Intel x86-compatible CPU 2.05 (cuda31)
    Microsoft Windows (98 or later) running on an Intel x86-compatible CPU 2.09 (ati13amd)
    Microsoft Windows (98 or later) running on an Intel x86-compatible CPU 2.09 (ati13ati)
    Microsoft Windows running on an AMD x86_64 or Intel EM64T CPU 2.00 (sse)
    Microsoft Windows running on an AMD x86_64 or Intel EM64T CPU 2.03 (cuda23)
    Microsoft Windows running on an AMD x86_64 or Intel EM64T CPU 2.05 (cuda31)
    Microsoft Windows running on an AMD x86_64 or Intel EM64T CPU 2.09 (ati13amd)
    Microsoft Windows running on an AMD x86_64 or Intel EM64T CPU 2.09 (ati13ati)
    Linux running on an Intel x86-compatible CPU 2.02
    Linux running on an AMD x86_64 or Intel EM64T CPU 2.02
    Mac OS 10.4 or later running on Intel 2.01
    Mac OS 10.4 or later running on Intel 2.02 (cuda)
    Intel 64-bit Mac OS 10.5 or later 2.02 (cuda)
    Intel 64-bit Mac OS 10.5 or later 2.03

    Statistics: View Detailed Information and statistics for Team SETI.USA Here

    Current team Scores:
    by Published on 08-25-11 06:44 PM     Number of Views: 6519 

    Description: Moo! Wrapper brings together BOINC volunteer computing network resources and the Distributed.net projects. It allows a BOINC Client to participate in the RC5-72 challenge.

    The "Bovine" RC5 effort was formed to take the responsibilities of coordinating and maintaining the RC5 servers that are needed to distribute key blocks to work on to all of the participating client programs. We depend heavily (entirely) on the participation of people like yourself, as we intend to solve this project via the use of brute force, trying every possible key there is.
    We know this method works! On 19 October 1997 at 1325 UTC, we found the correct solution for the RSA Labs 56-bit secret-key challenge (RC5-32/12/7). The key was 0x532B744CC20999, and it took us 250 days to locate.
    Then, on 14 July 2002 at 0150 UTC we found the winning key for the RSA Labs 64-bit secret-key challenge (RC5-32/12/8). That key was 0x63DE7DC154F4D039 and took us 1,757 days to locate. As of 03 December 2002, we're now working on the 72-bit RSA Labs secret-key challenge (RC5-32/12/9). In summary:
    • RC5-56: 'The unknown message is: It's time to move to a longer key length'
    • RC5-64: 'The unknown message is: Some things are better left unread'
    • RC5-72: ??? (in progress; you can help!)
    In May 2007, RSA Labs announced that Secret Key Challenge would be discontinued. Fortunately, due to the continued interest in our RC5-72 project we have decided to privately sponsor the prize and operate the RC5-72 project as before. You can read about this in bovine's 2008-Sep-08 plan and in bovine's 2007-May-21 plan.

    Institution: Private.

    Official Launch: 02-05-2011.

    Project Status: Active. Be warned that there are some controversy surrounding the legitimacy of this project. Read the Message Board to see the current situation.

    Client Programs: Moo! Wrapper currently has the following applications. When you participate in Moo! Wrapper, work for one or more of these applications will be assigned to your computer. The current version of the application will be downloaded to your computer. This happens automatically; you don't have to do anything.

    Microsoft Windows (98 or later) running on an Intel x86-compatible CPU 1.02 26 May 2011 | 12:27:58 UTC
    Microsoft Windows (98 or later) running on an Intel x86-compatible CPU 1.02 (ati14) 18 May 2011 | 3:47:06 UTC
    Microsoft Windows (98 or later) running on an Intel x86-compatible CPU 1.02 (cuda31) 18 May 2011 | 3:43:47 UTC
    Linux running on an AMD x86_64 or Intel EM64T CPU 1.02 26 May 2011 | 12:29:34 UTC
    Linux running on an AMD x86_64 or Intel EM64T CPU 1.02 (ati14) 18 May 2011 | 3:47:58 UTC
    Linux running on an AMD x86_64 or Intel EM64T CPU 1.02 (cuda31) 18 May 2011 | 3:48:06 UTC
    Mac OS X 10.3 or later running on Motorola PowerPC 1.02 11 Jun 2011 | 6:00:18 UTC
    Mac OS 10.4 or later running on Intel 1.02 14 Jun 2011 | 16:11:10 UTC
    Mac OS 10.4 or later running on Intel 1.02 (cuda31) 14 Jun 2011 | 16:11:42 UTC
    Intel 64-bit Mac OS 10.5 or later 1.02 14 Jun 2011 | 16:11:24 UTC

    Statistics: View Detailed Information and statistics on Team SETI.USA Here

    Current Team Scores:

    by Published on 08-25-11 07:10 PM     Number of Views: 6596 

    Description: NFS@Home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do the lattice sieving step in the Number Field Sieve factorization of large integers. As a young school student, you gained your first experience at breaking an integer into prime factors, such as 15 = 3 * 5 or 35 = 5 * 7. NFS@Home is a continuation of that experience, only with integers that are hundreds of digits long. Most recent large factorizations have been done primarily by large clusters at universities. With NFS@Home you can participate in state-of-the-art factorizations simply by downloading and running a free program on your computer.
    Integer factorization is interesting from both mathematical and practical perspectives. Mathematically, for instance, the calculation of multiplicative functions in number theory for a particular number require the factors of the number. Likewise, the integer factorization of particular numbers can aid in the proof that an associated number is prime. Practically, many public key algorithms, including the RSA algorithm, rely on the fact that the publicly available modulus cannot be factored. If it is factored, the private key can be easily calculated. Until quite recently, RSA-512, which uses a 512-bit modulus (155 digits), was commonly used but can now be easily broken.
    The numbers what we are factoring are chosen from the Cunningham project. Started in 1925, it is one of the oldest continuously ongoing projects in computational number theory. The third edition of the book, published by the American Mathematical Society in 2002, is available as a free download. All results obtained since, including those of NFS@Home, are available on the Cunningham project website.

    Home Page:http:// http://escatter11.fullerton.edu/nfs/

    Project Status: Run by California State University Fullerton and is Active.

    Client programs: NFS@Home currently has the following applications. When you participate in NFS@Home, work for one or more of these applications will be assigned to your computer. The current version of the application will be downloaded to your computer. This happens automatically; you don't have to do anything.

    11e Lattice Sieve
    Linux running on an AMD x86_64 or Intel EM64T CPU
    12e Lattice Sieve
    Microsoft Windows (98 or later) running on an Intel x86-compatible CPU
    Linux running on an Intel x86-compatible CPU
    Linux running on an AMD x86_64 or Intel EM64T CPU
    13e Lattice Sieve
    Microsoft Windows (98 or later) running on an Intel x86-compatible CPU
    Linux running on an Intel x86-compatible CPU
    Linux running on an AMD x86_64 or Intel EM64T CPU
    14e Lattice Sieve
    Microsoft Windows (98 or later) running on an Intel x86-compatible CPU
    Linux running on an Intel x86-compatible CPU
    Linux running on an AMD x86_64 or Intel EM64T CPU
    15e Lattice Sieve
    Microsoft Windows (98 or later) running on an Intel x86-compatible CPU
    Linux running on an Intel x86-compatible CPU
    Linux running on an AMD x86_64 or Intel EM64T CPU
    16e Lattice Sieve
    Microsoft Windows (98 or later) running on an Intel x86-compatible CPU
    Linux running on an Intel x86-compatible CPU
    Linux running on an AMD x86_64 or Intel EM64T CPU

    Statistics: View Detailed Information and statistics on Team SETI.USA Here

    Current Team Scores:

    by Published on 09-03-11 10:07 PM  Number of Views: 6283 

    Description: NumberFields@home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in number theory. NumberFields@home searches for fields with special properties. The primary application of this research is in the realm of algebraic number theory. Number theorists can mine the data for interesting patterns to help them formulate conjectures about number fields. Ultimately, this research will lead to a deeper understanding of the profound properties of numbers, the basic building blocks of all mathematics.

    Institution: NumberFields@home is based at the school of mathematics at Arizona State University. The final results of this project will be complete tables of number fields. The results are given in table form or as a searchable database.

    Home Page: http://stat.la.asu.edu/NumberFields/

    Project Status: Active in Alpha Phase.

    Applications: NumberFields@home currently has the following applications. When you participate in NumberFields@home, work for one or more of these applications will be assigned to your computer. The current version of the application will be downloaded to your computer. This happens automatically; you don't have to do anything.

    Get Decic Fields
    Platform Version Installation time
    Get Decics with Bounded Discriminant
    Platform Version Installation time
    Microsoft Windows (98 or later) running on an Intel x86-compatible CPU 1.04 27 Aug 2011 23:50:20 UTC
    Linux running on an AMD x86_64 or Intel EM64T CPU 1.03 21 Aug 2011 18:04:36 UTC

    Statistics: View Detailed Information on Team SETI.USA Here

    Current Team Scores:
    by Published on 08-25-11 08:06 PM     Number of Views: 6312 

    Description: Prime Numbers are of great interest to mathematicians for a variety of reasons. Primes also play a central role in the cryptographic systems which are used for computer security. Through the study of Prime Numbers it can be shown how much processing is required to crack an encryption code and thus to determine whether current security schemes are sufficiently secure.

    Home Page URL:http:// http://www.primegrid.com/

    Project Status: The project has been Active since its launch date on 12-7-2005.

    Client programs: PrimeGrid currently has the following applications. When you participate in PrimeGrid, work for one or more of these applications will be assigned to your computer. The current version of the application will be downloaded to your computer. This happens automatically; you don't have to do anything.

    Mac OS X, Linux/x86, Mac OS X (PowerPC), Playstation3/Linux, Windows, Windows(NVIDIA GPU), Windows/ X64, Mac OS X 64 bit, Linux.x64, Linux.x64(NVIDIA GPU), x86_64-pc-Solaris.

    Statistics: View Detailed Information and statistics on Team SETI.USA Here

    Current Team Scores:

    by Published on 08-25-11 10:07 PM     Number of Views: 6259 

    Description: WEP-M+2 (wanless) is a research project that uses internet-connected computers to do research in number theory. The project is UK based and has been Active since 5-12-2006.

    Home Page URL: http://bearnol.is-a-geek.com/wanless2/

    Client Programs: The following platforms are supported by the project: Linux/86, Linux/x64, Mac OS X 64 bit (PowerPC), Mac OS 64-bit.

    Statistics: View Detailed Information on Team SETI.USA Here

    Current Team Scores:

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