Description: The goal of Cosmology@Home is to search for the model that best describes our Universe and to find the range of models that agree with the available astronomical and particle physics data. In order to achieve this goal, participants in Cosmology@Home (i.e. you!) will compute the observable predictions of millions of theoretical models with different parameter combinations. We will use the results of your computations to compare all the available data with these models. In addition, the results from Cosmology@Home can help design future cosmological observations and experiments, and prepare for the analysis of future data sets, e.g. from the Planck spacecraft.
Institution: University of Illinois.
Home Page:
Project Status: Active.
Client Programs: The following applications are automatically installed on joining:
Windows 32 bits.
Linux 32 and 64bits.
Statistics: View Detailed Information and Statistics for Team SETI.USA:
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Re: PrimeGrid Primes
Maybe I need to run Primegrid more often.
Mumps Today, 09:33 AMThanks z! Seeing as I lost access to the email address I boinc with last month, there wasn't