• Einstein@Home

    by Published on 09-02-11 07:18 PM  Number of Views: 3518 

    Description: Einstein@Home is a program that uses your computer's idle time to search for spinning neutron stars (also called pulsars) using data from the LIGO and GEO gravitational wave detectors. Einstein@Home is a World Year of Physics 2005 project supported by the American Physical Society (APS) and by a number of international organizations.

    View this video for more information:


    Institution: University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee.

    Home Page: http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/

    Official Launch: Testing began 19 Nov 2004.

    Client Programs: The project supports the following platforms:
    Windows 32 bits.
    Linux 32 and 64bits.
    Mac OS X.

    Statistics: View Detailed Information on Team SETI.USA Here

    Current Team Scores:

    View this video for more information:

    Institution: University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee.

    Home Page: http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/

    Official Launch: Testing began 19 Nov 2004.

    Client Programs: The project supports the following platforms:
    Windows 32 bits.
    Linux 32 and 64bits.
    Mac OS X.

    Statistics: View Detailed Information on Team SETI.USA Here

    Current Team Scores:


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