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    by Published on 09-03-11 06:31 AM  Number of Views: 4549 

    Description: One of the major goals of Rosetta is to predict the shapes that proteins fold up into in nature. Proteins are linear polymer molecules made up of amino acid monomers and are often refered to as "chains." Amino acids can be considered as the "links" in a protein "chain". Here is a simple analogy. When considering a metal chain, it can have many different shapes depending on the forces exerted upon it. For example, if you pull its ends, the chain will extend to a straight line and if you drop it on the floor, it will take on a unique shape. Unlike metal chains that are made of identical links, proteins are made of 20 different amino acids that each have their own unique properties (different shapes, and attractive and repulsive forces, for example), and in combination, the amino acids exert forces on the chain to make it take on a specific shape, which we call a "fold." The order in which the amino acids are linked determines the protein's fold. There are many kinds of proteins that vary in the number and order of their amino acids.

    Institution: University of Washingtom.

    Official Launch: 15-02-2006.

    Project Staus: Active.

    Home Page: http://boinc.bakerlab.org/rosetta/

    Client Programs: The following Applications are supported by the project:
    Windows 32 and 64bits.
    Linux 32 and 64bits.
    Mac OS.

    Statistics: View Detailed Information on Team SETI.USA Here

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