What is Albert@Home? Einstein@Home is a program that uses your computer's idle time to search for gravitational waves from spinning isolated compact objects (among which are pulsars) using data from the LIGO gravitational wave detector. Albert@Home
Asteroids@home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in Asteroids@home. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer. Asteroids@Home
Cosmology@Home lets you volunteer your spare computer time (like when your screen saver is on) to help search for the model which best describes our Universe and to find the range of models that agree with available cosmological and particle physics data. Cosmology@Home
Einstein@Home is a program that uses your computer's idle time to search for gravitational waves from spinning isolated compact objects (among which are pulsars) using data from the LIGO gravitational wave detector. Einstein@Home
Milkyway@Home uses the BOINC platform to harness volunteered computing resources, creating a highly accurate three dimensional model of the Milky Way galaxy using data gathered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. This project enables research in both astroinformatics and computer science. MilkyWay@Home
Universe@home project's two main goals are: to provide scientist with a necessary computational power and to provide the way of involvement for anyone equipped with a computer and willing to take part in the research Our simulations deal with fundamental problems of the Universe, which cannot be investigated in a laboratory. From the birth of stars to the utmost energetic supernova explosions, nature still astonishes us but at the same time leaves ways for scientific examination. Universe@Home
Amicable Numbers is an independent research project that uses Internet-connected computers to find new amicable pairs. You can contribute to our research by running a free program on your computer. Current goal of the project is to find all amicable pairs with smallest member < 264. All new findings are published regularly on the Amicable pairs list page. Amicable Numbers
BOINC-project ODLK1 continues to solve the problem of BOINC-project ODLK. The project generates a database of canonical forms (CF) of diagonal Latin squares (DLS) of order 10 having orthogonal diagonal Latin squares (ODLS).
Moo! Wrapper brings together BOINC volunteer computing network resources and the Distributed.net projects. It allows a BOINC Client to participate in the RC5-72 challenge. If you want to learn more about Distributed.net Project and Client, please visit their website. Especially, detailed information about the RC5-72 challenge is available. Note that we have intentionally left Distributed.net OGR-project out of scope since you can already join that project at Yoyo@Home. Moo! Wrapper
NumberFields@home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in number theory. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer. NumberFields@home searches for fields with special properties. The primary application of this research is in the realm of algebraic number theory. Number theorists can mine the data for interesting patterns to help them formulate conjectures about number fields. Ultimately, this research will lead to a deeper understanding of the properties of numbers, the basic building blocks of all mathematics. A more detailed description of the project can be found here. NumberFields@home is based at the school of mathematics at Arizona State University. The final results of this project will be complete tables of number fields. The results are given in table form or as a searchable database. NumberFields@Home
In the project, a database of canonical forms (CR) of diagonal Latin squares (DLK) of the 10th order having orthogonal diagonal Latin squares (ODLC) is compiled. The necessary definitions for the topic can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin_square https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin Square The first three orthogonal pairs of DLK were found in 1992, they were published in the article "Completion of the Spectrum of Orthogonal Diagonal Latin Squares" (JW Brown et al.). In 2012-2016 years. There was a scientific BOINC project SAT @ home, in which new orthogonal pairs of the 10th order DLK were searched. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SAT@home http://sat.isa.ru/pdsat/ In this project were found 77 unique orthogonal pairs of DLK, which gave 154 unique KF ODLK. You can see the solutions found in the SAT @ home project here: http://sat.isa.ru/pdsat/solutions.php The database produced in the submitted project includes solutions found in the SAT @ home project
PrimeGrid's primary goal is to bring the excitement of prime finding to the "everyday" computer user. By simply downloading and installing BOINC and attaching to the PrimeGrid project, participants can choose from a variety of prime forms to search. With a little patience, you may find a large or even record breaking prime and enter into Chris Caldwell's The Largest Known Primes Database as a Titan! PrimeGrid's secondary goal is to provide relevant educational materials about primes. Additionally, we wish to contribute to the field of mathematics. Lastly, primes play a central role in the cryptographic systems which are used for computer security. Through the study of prime numbers it can be shown how much processing is required to crack an encryption code and thus to determine whether current security schemes are sufficiently secure. PrimeGrid
SRBase is a mathematical research project that uses Internet-connected computers trying to solve Sierpinski / Riesel Bases up to 1030. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer. The project is in collaboration with the Mersenne CRUS project. The server is running on a private computer in a VM. SRBase
WEP-M+2 (wanless2) is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in number theory. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer. WEP-M+2 is based at London, UK, and is currently investigating factorization of Mersenneplustwo numbers. WEP-M+2
We are happy to announce that SiDock@home will continue as a general drug discovery project, not limited to coronavirus only! This means that the project will continue for a long time. We aim to develop and incorporate novel methods of drug design and perform drug discovery for different diseases.
Forum for Discussing Rosseta and RALPH projects.
RSS feeds for the other projects that don't have their own forum.
MLC@Home is a distributed computing project studying how to understand machine learning models.
The objective of this work is to design a molecular generator capable of exploring known as well as unfamiliar areas of the chemical space.
Kryptos@Home is a volunteer computing project which allows anyone on the internet to contribute computing resources to research projects, related to solving one of the most famous, unsolved puzzles - the three-decade old Kryptos!
Forum for discussion of AlmereGrid and their Test Grid projects
The main application running on CAS@home is the TreeThreader which predicts protein structure. After finishing a big campaign in Oct 2015, there have been sporadic TreeThreader jobs running on CAS@home which is around 200 sequences to predict every month. Currently, the TreeThreader application provides a public service FALCON to allow worldwide biologists submitting their protein sequences for structure prediction, and CAS@home is the backend computing platform for this public service. This service has just been open to the public, and it expects more biologists to use it in the near future with a recent publication. Apart from the jobs from FALCON, there will also be another campaign of TreeThreader between Feb and May 2016 to prepare for the CASP event . As usual, CAS@home appreciates all the support from its volunteers! CAS@Home
Bitcoin Utopia is a commercial platform for crowd-donations that uses Internet-connected computers to mine cryptocurrency donations for BOINC projects/sites. The other purpose of mining is to secure cryptocurrency transactions against reversal. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer. Bitcoin Utopia
NCI project
Collatz is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in mathematics. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer. Collatz Conjecture is based in Wood Dale, Illinois. It is a privately managed BOINC project attempting to disprove the Collatz Conjecture. For more information about the Collatz Conjecture, check out the Wikipedia Collatz page. The Collatz Conjecture project makes use of the parity sequence optimization and runs on Linux, Windows, and OS X and can utilize CPUs as well as AMD, nVidia, and Intel graphics cards. Collatz Conjecture
Forum for discussion Malaria Control and its test project
LHC@home This a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to advance Particle and Accelerator Physics. Participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer. By default, you can run the classic LHC@home application Sixtrack, for simulations of accelerator physics, and help researchers at CERN to improve the LHC. Other LHC@home simulations that have been running on the Virtual LHC@home BOINC project will also be available here, and join Sixtrack on the original LHC@home. LHC@home
Enigma@Home is a wrapper between BOINC and Stefan Krah's M4 Project. 'The M4 Project is an effort to break 3 original Enigma messages with the help of distributed computing. The signals were intercepted in the North Atlantic in 1942 and are believed to be unbroken. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer. Enigma@Home
For discussions of primaboinca...
RakeSearch is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to search for orthogonal diagonal Latin squares. You can contribute to our research by running a free program on your computer.
heSkyNet POGS is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in astronomy. We will combine the spectral coverage of GALEX, Pan-STARRS1, and WISE to generate a multi-wavelength UV-optical-NIR galaxy atlas for the nearby Universe. We will calculate physical parameters such as: star formation rate, stellar mass of the galaxy, dust attenuation, and total dust mass of a galaxy; on a pixel-by-pixel basis using spectral energy distribution fitting techniques. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer. TheSkyNet POGS
Forum for discussions about eOn.