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Thread: Multiple GPU concurrency control

  1. #1
    Silver Member
    MindCrime's Avatar
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    February 26th, 2014
    Portland, OR

    Multiple GPU concurrency control

    I've got a machine with a 7970 and iGPU. I want to run SETI on both, but I want to run 2x on the 7970 and only 1x on the iGPU.

    I did have <app_config... <gpu_usage>0.5, for a bit but it runs 2x on all GPUs and that consumes a lot of CPU on the iGPU.

    So can anyone help me setup to run 2x on the 7970 and 1x on the iGPU? I feel like this is gonna require an app_info file.

    I can think of only 3 projects this could happen on; Collatz, Einstein, and SETI since they support pretty much all GPUs.

  2. #2
    Bryan's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple GPU concurrency control

    That is the kind of thing Emsti did the multiple BOINC instances to handle: HERE

    Very simple to setup and each runs independently.

  3. #3
    Gold Member
    FourOh's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple GPU concurrency control

    I prefer to set it up in app_config:





  4. #4
    Silver Member
    MindCrime's Avatar
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    February 26th, 2014
    Portland, OR

    Re: Multiple GPU concurrency control

    ahh so the <plan_class> is the key, I got an answer on the seti forums using an app_info setup, I like yours better. I hope I can remember to check back here when I'm running SETI again, think I'm done for a while.

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