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Thread: dead

  1. #21
    Bryan's Avatar
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    October 27th, 2010
    CO summer, TX winter

    Re: dead

    The Rosetta challenge starts on the 27th at 0800 UTC. The WU have a 8 day deadline so you can bet your bottom dollar Italy has been bunkering big time.

    I ran a Rosetta challenge in early Oct and found a trick on it. If you bunker you have no choice but to load up with long running WU so you get enough. When it goes live you want to set it for 1 hour WU, kill your cache, and then set it for .01/.01.

    The project releases new WU strains quite regularly. Until it gets enough back to know how long they take it pays 5-10X normal credits for them - kinda like credit screw. Once enough of each type is returned then it knows what they should be and reduces the credits accordingly. If you have a very very small cache you'll get these while they are paying higher than normal. If you have a big cache then by the time you get around to crunching them the project will have already reduced the payout. You'll get 50-75% more daily credits if you do this

  2. #22
    Past Administrator
    DrPop's Avatar
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    SoCal, USA

    Re: dead

    Wow...feeling the SETI love here, guys! The goal is more to start in on that elusive 25M, more than find little green men. But with the way they dole out credits, I might be a senior citizen before that happens!
    I'm up for a Rosetta run if we're doing it...what's the overall consensus?

  3. #23
    Gold Member
    shiva's Avatar
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    Re: dead

    Quote Originally Posted by cineon_lut View Post
    Wow Shiva! Lots of stuff going on in your neck of the woods! I've been on a shoot for the whole month of December. 7 day weeks, 12+ hour days or nights. I'm typing this from the back of an Uber on my way to the airport to head home for Xmas/NEw years. Then back for Jan.

    Thanks for the xansions code, Bryan!!! I may try that out. Anyone want to hit the Rosetta challenge against boinc Italy?

    Vic (mobile)
    its gotten worse. I've had to shut down a bunch of my puters. don't know what is going on but we are having low voltage in the house. Its a problem in house. had it for two days then stopped for two days now it is back. any time the heater or microwave starts up the lights dim. with the microwave there isn't enough power to run the thing right. I only had one server that it was effecting so far, but I have shut 5 boxes off. may try putting them back on line but i'm concerned that I might loose them. electrician not coming till after Christmas guess I will just deal with it till then.[/url]

  4. #24
    Past Administrator
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    Re: dead

    I wonder if it's a grounding issue or corrosion on the lines or something. So it's not tripping anything, just dim lights or low power nuker?

  5. #25
    Platinum Member
    cineon_lut's Avatar
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    Re: dead

    Sounds like a phase got lost in a nearby transformer. The symptoms you describe, at least

  6. #26
    Gold Member
    shiva's Avatar
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    Re: dead

    had the power company here and they say that their side tests normal. I have a breaker box outside that has one running to the box in the house, two others to breaker boxes in the garages and another box for the hot tub and one to the koi pond. he said that the ground looked like it had been hot. guess I will have to wait till after Christmas to get that looked at. small towns you know.[/url]

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