I'm running six on a six-core AMD. ~30k/day. I'll probably run it to a million then work on other things (slowly)
I'm running six on a six-core AMD. ~30k/day. I'll probably run it to a million then work on other things (slowly)
At current pace we will get Grid5000 in 505 days.
I've noticed I produce more if I lower the coms with the server, also it will give a higher chance to find a knack. Allocating more memory is also an advantage.
start /low /b /wait java -Xmx2000m -server -Djava.security.policy=java.policy -Djava.rmi.server.useCodebaseOnly=false -jar ITClient.jar rmi.dhep.ga dubhnahUidhe Carlos.Pinho -i 5 -c 10 BoincUserStandalone_XXX SETI.USA
Hey Mumps_[MM], is this you: https://www.dhep.ga/statsisland.php?island_id=7005. Don't forget to join us.
Just dabbling. I was wondering how I could be 229th on "the team" this morning.Thanks for the reminder pinhodecarlos!
Watch my numbers running 4 threads of the standalone client with the latest java version on Win64. Slow ivy bridge laptop.