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Thread: From Memphis TN, Hello everyone.

  1. #11
    Gold Member
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    Re: From Memphis TN, Hello everyone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ewok126 View Post
    Purplcfh, Sounds like fun but to be honest, I have no idea what that is or even how to join for such and much less how to set things up to participate. Here is the thing, I have noticed from reading and such that you folks have turned crunching into a very complex art form. My mental capabilities since my stroke is about that of a spoon. Back when I was crunching it was just a DL and run. Now it seems there are strategies and such, terms I have never heard before etc and so on. I have literally lost 1/4 of my brain. The sad part is I can remember what it was like to not have such issues. According to neurological testing I can retain what I am told for about 3 minutes at best (Now my wife can no longer say it is due to selective hearing). Needless to say I try to keep notes, directions etc. Following complex setups is a major issue. Heck, I can't even get around on facebook now. To think I was a neuropsychologist prior to my stroke. Now I cant even work a stove due to I forget to cut it off. Sorry for the book, I guess what I am trying to say is unless someone is willing to talk me through step by step on set up to even be able to compete and I am talking like one would explain to a 5 year old, I would not be of much use. It would be fun for me though for sure.
    I wouldn't worry about it, just ask around, we have lots of 5 year old's here. thankfully we five year old's are in the minority.[/url]

  2. #12
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    Re: From Memphis TN, Hello everyone.

    Quote Originally Posted by shiva View Post
    I wouldn't worry about it, just ask around, we have lots of 5 year old's here. thankfully we five year old's are in the minority.
    Ha, Then I am for sure in the right place!

  3. #13
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    Re: From Memphis TN, Hello everyone.

    Quote Originally Posted by purplecfh View Post
    No worries, we can handle the strategy for you by telling you where we need you to point your machine(s) during the event.

    My father had 2 mini stokes in his brain stem 15 years ago, and he gets up every morning and tells us that "God gave me another day to pick on you guys." He takes everything with stride and fortunately never lost his sense of humor!

    Even though it's tough when you think of how it used to be, you sound like your doing well, s d we hope you continue to do so in the future and hang out with us for a long time.

    Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
    That would be great Purplecfh. I can relate with your father all to well. If it was not for my sense of humor I would have been up crap creek for sure. Your father is indeed a very blessed man. To have a stroke at the brain stem and live is pretty unique. Even more so with 2 strokes as that is where the heart and breathing are controlled.

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