This should fix the slowdown on Windows if you have a high CPU load. You can now configure the polling mode sort of like what the old one had. The --gpu-target-frequency is similar to the -f flag the old one had. The default is 30 hz. This can be used in place of the --responsiveness-factor one I added in the last minor release (or in addition to, although I don't know why you would want to. I would recommend using this one instead and I'll probably remove the other at some point). The --gpu-polling-mode is similar to the -b flag the old one had. A negative integer will use busy waiting and have a high CPU load (like what always happened in 0.58). 0 will use the same method that was used in 0.59. A positive integer > 0 sets the polling frequency in milliseconds. The default now is to poll every 1 ms which seems to have solved the slowdowns with a high cpu load without increasing the cpu usage much.
