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Thread: BOINC thinks I have and extra GPU

  1. #1
    Diamond Member
    zombie67's Avatar
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    BOINC thinks I have and extra GPU

    BOINC insists on running two GPU tasks on my single GPU, even though I don't have an app_config.xml or an app_info.xml. The only thing I have in my cc_config is use_all_gpus set to yes. I looked at coproc_info.xml, and it lists my GPU twice for some reason. Thinking that might be the problem, I removed the file, quit BOINC, reinstalled BOINC just for good measure, restarted BOINC. It recreated the file with two listings for my GPU and is still crunching two tasks on it concurrently. Any ideas?
    Last edited by zombie67; 05-27-19 at 01:32 PM.
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  2. #2
    Ron Shurtz's Avatar
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    Re: BOINC thinks I have and extra GPU

    I think I've seen this happen when an old graphics driver doesn't get uninstalled completely during the install of a new one.
    BOINC then sees both drivers running and thinks you have two GPUs.
    You might check to if this is the case, or use a utility to completely remove the graphic drivers and reinstall the one you want.

  3. #3
    Ambassador from TSBT scole of TSBT's Avatar
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    Re: BOINC thinks I have and extra GPU

    edit the coproc_info.xml and remove one of the GPUs, set the file to read only on windows (chattr +i /var/lib/boinc/coproc_info.xml on linux) and restart boinc client. Temporary solution anyway.

  4. #4
    Diamond Member
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    Re: BOINC thinks I have and extra GPU

    Whelp, it got so bad, I couldn't even get it to boot into anything but safe mode. So I restored from a checkpoint earlier in the month, and then re-applied the various updates. Working properly now. Not sure what caused the corruption.

    Side note: They made it horribly difficult to boot into safe mode with win10. No more holding down a button on the keyboard during boot. You have to fail to start windows 3 times in a row, and then "just know" the byzantine things to click on to finally get it to reboot into safe mode. Thanks MSFT.
    "Don't confront me with my failures, I had not forgotten them" - Jackson Browne

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