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Thread: <Insert "Hello" Thread Here>

  1. #1

    Cool <Insert "Hello" Thread Here>


    Thanks for granting me access to the SETI.USA forums! I am thankful to have become a part of the community, hope to be tolerated long/well-enough to view this post, because I am highly-adept at misdirection.

    Best regards,

  2. #2
    Platinum Member
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    Re: <Insert "Hello" Thread Here>

    Howdy Phlewyd! Welcome!

  3. #3
    Gold Member
    shiva's Avatar
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    Re: <Insert "Hello" Thread Here>

    Greetings to you too Phlewyd, have fun, glad to see you here.[/url]

  4. #4

    Re: <Insert "Hello" Thread Here>

    Thank you, kindly, for the warm-reception! It's my understanding that I will need to compose another few posts, prior to obtaining "more-robust-access" to the forums. Without further ado, this is one of those posts. I apologize in-advance; I foresee one of my future posts as, undoubtedly, warranting the inclusion of either an index, a table-of-contents, or "providing more appropriate forewarning to potential readers, by being divided-into volumes." I have been accused of being, "wordy", "a woefully-painful-to-endure-composer-of-mind-numbing-nonsense", and even a bit of a "ranty-turd" <insert dookie-emogee>.

    Hey, if Carl Sagan was allowed to produce "Cosmos" as a 13-episode series... And he's my personal-hero... I was on the verge of making an evidence-based rationalization for my irrational, inability to compose, what scholars refer-to as, "a summary". And thus, it burst-forth into-existence... Kicking-and-screaming, pushing-and-shoving, just for a moment's time/attention, atop the soap-box; the "I apologize in-advance-prophecy"... was BORN. Anyhow, thank you, once again, for admittance, and I'll "work-on" keeping subsequent posts, "relevant/on-topic/pertinent".

  5. #5
    Bryan's Avatar
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    Re: <Insert "Hello" Thread Here>

    Welcome Phlewyd! What projects do you crunch?

  6. #6
    Al's Avatar
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    Re: <Insert "Hello" Thread Here>

    Quote Originally Posted by Phlewyd View Post
    Thank you, kindly, for the warm-reception! It's my understanding that I will need to compose another few posts, prior to obtaining "more-robust-access" to the forums.
    I can take care of that since you're on our team on all the projects you work. Welcome to the full forum.

  7. #7

    Re: <Insert "Hello" Thread Here>

    Quote Originally Posted by Al View Post
    I can take care of that since you're on our team on all the projects you work. Welcome to the full forum.
    Al Bundy?

    From "Married with Children" fame/legend/epic-television-series? Al, with infamous, "insert hand confidently/comfortably down, inside front of pants, a reflex-reaction, once he takes his "throne" (living-room couch, after putting-in a hard days' "being subjected to his shoe store customers' questions, needs, and re-education on life-prioritization)? Co-starring his wife, Peg, son, Bud, and daughter, Kelly? Not to mention, canine-of-wisdom (since Season 4...), Buck?

    I recall the overwhelming task that troubled Al most, was whenever Peg requested for Al to go upstairs, and be compelled to put-forth a genuine effort to Peg's "intimacy request" (annual Valentine's Day "gift", Mother's Day "present", "Birthday Present", "Making it Onto Santa's Naughty List", etc.), he seemed less-than-enthusiastic about it, and emerged as-if he had stepped-into the house, directly from an apocalyptic event.

    And his neighbors were great...

    Like the Al Simon music video with Chevy Chase suggests... Can I "Call you Al"?

    All that aside, thank you for granting me full-forum access!

    How'd you know I was working on a few, little "crunching" projects? Must be an informant in the operation... He *might* have revealed that I crunch colleatz, WUProp, Rosetta, Universe, Asteroids, Milky Way, and that other one... with the aliens and stuff? Carl Sagan mentioned something about a little project, entitled, "SETI"? That might have been the one that started it all for me, a few years back.

    I've never really been able to amass the financial resources to piece-together a decent machine, until just recently. Oh, and a few, popular online games might have played a part in my tardiness/absence, as well... I recall investing a great deal of time/effort into one, particular game, for years... the words, "raid", and "epic", and "legendary", and "freakin' Horde guy just blipped me..." come to mind...

    It's been a LOOOOOOOONG while since I've actually been able to invest some meaningful time into my BOINC projects/crunching, but I *FINALLY* finished piecing-together a new desktop machine, after my previous machine's motherboard took a <Insert Poop Emogee> on me, a few months back.

    Since then, I've re-constructed/re-animated my old machine (an i7-5960X-CPU, NVIDIA TITAN GTX-ATX-based system), my newer-machine (an i9-9980XE-CPU, NVIDIA TITAN RTX-ITX-based system), and I'm in the process of doing "covert-ops" on my significant other's older, but still decent, machine (an i7-3960X-CPU, dual NVIDIA 690 GTX-ATX-based system). All of the aforementioned systems have, at minimum, 32GB RAM, and several Samsung SSDs, typically configured in a RAID-0 fashion.

    Got any tips on making any of them more BOINC-efficient/robust, if I still wish to do the occassional web-browsing, game-playing, MS Office-based project "cramming" session, and other types of ill-$hizola that may arise?

    Perhaps setting-up a custom, minimal-startup and memory-intensive startup/background-application need vs. want analysis, and if crunching, disabling anything "memory-intensive", like active virus/trojan/phishing/etc. scanners?

    I've yet to peruse the forum(s) to discover/elucidate/enlighten-me with such information, as I've been spending a good deal of time, away from home, tending-to improving health-related "issues" (nothing a good bottle of scotch, a slap on the back, and a "Suck it up, Cupcake!" couldn't remedy, right?).

    Nonetheless, thanks again for the kind/warm welcome, and I'll continue to do everything in my power to crunch like... like... back in the day, when I was playing "Number Munchers" on an old, Apple ][e, in some sort of "educational" setting... the only education I recall having received was, "Oregon Trail, Odell Lake, and Number Crunchers were fun games. And watch out for the Troggs(?) in Number Crunchers? Or a heron in Odell Lake? Or that "Timmy" doesn't "die from dysentery" more than once, while "forging the river in a poorly-constructed, failure-prone, luck-deficient, cross-country-covered-wagon-adventure, minus hiring a guide? If I could have afforded upgrading to a Winnebago, after raking-in the dough from all those hunting sessions, it might have improved my chances...

    Sorry, off on too many tangents. Have a great one, and please, let me know if there's anything, in particular, I can do to assist. I'll try my best not to disappoint.


  8. #8
    Al's Avatar
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    Re: <Insert "Hello" Thread Here>

    Quote Originally Posted by Phlewyd View Post
    Sorry, off on too many tangents. Have a great one, and please, let me know if there's anything, in particular, I can do to assist. I'll try my best not to disappoint.
    Be watching for posts regarding the upcoming Formula Boinc Sprint. We can always use help there. If you don't know what that is you can check it out here.

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