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Thread: Hi from (far) Ea TN !

  1. #1

    Hi from (far) Ea TN !

    Where to begin? And how to say it with an economy of words? (My niece says I am 'wordy'). Ok, here goes..... I am an amateur astronomer (optical and soon radio astronomer) that found the SETI/ BIONIC web site by accident! The (number crunching etc.) monitoring of zillions' of radio frequencies projects present the best way of detecting ET in my opinion. So citizens donating computer time is a wonderful way to give back to the groups etc. who actually do the science and the mental labor of looking for evidence of extraterrestrial life. I hope to be an asset to this forum and look forward to meeting the membership of SETI/BIONIC soon.

  2. #2
    Ron Shurtz's Avatar
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    November 15th, 2010
    Topeka, Kansas

    Re: Hi from (far) Ea TN !

    Welcome to the Forum MrZino!

    SETI.USA is not officially associated with the SETI@Home Project nor do we have expertise on the science behind it.
    Instead we are a team of individuals that donate computing resources to a wide variety of projects through BOINC (Berkley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing).
    SETI@Home is one of those projects, and I believe the original one.
    SETI is in our name because SETI@Home was the first distributed computing project we engaged in.

    Here is a link to a little of our team's history and how we came about our name.
    Team History
    The article is a bit dated and the link to the Wall Street Journal no longer exists but the team history is valid.

    We have folks here that are very knowledgeable about getting the hardware and software set up to "crunch" these projects.
    They are friendly and ready to share. Just ask questions in the forum.

    Again, Welcome.


    As an amateur astronomer you might also be interested in some of these Astrophysics projects.

    Last edited by Ron Shurtz; 01-13-20 at 07:34 PM.

  3. #3
    Platinum Member
    John P. Myers's Avatar
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    January 13th, 2011
    Jackson, TN

    Re: Hi from (far) Ea TN !

    Welcome to the forum

  4. #4
    Gold Member
    shiva's Avatar
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    November 9th, 2010
    Quinter, Kansas

    Re: Hi from (far) Ea TN !

    welcome to the team and forum, glad to see you here and hope you enjoy your time here.[/url]

  5. #5
    Bryan's Avatar
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    October 27th, 2010
    CO summer, TX winter

    Re: Hi from (far) Ea TN !

    Good to see you on the forum MrZino. Welcome!

  6. #6

    Re: Hi from (far) Ea TN !

    I've came here for BIONIC. Hopefully, it's the right place to be.

  7. #7
    Past Administrator
    DrPop's Avatar
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    October 13th, 2010
    SoCal, USA

    Re: Hi from (far) Ea TN !

    Hi Mr.Zino! Awesome that you're into astronomy. I just finished a little course on radio astronomy from The Great Courses awhile back - blew my mind. Really cool stuff.

    And big hello to Merlin! Glad you came to join us. We're always happy to welcome anyone to crunch with us. What are your favorite hobbies and/or projects to crunch?

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