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Thread: ibercivis2: news

  1. #1
    Diamond Member
    zombie67's Avatar
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    October 24th, 2010
    Reno, NV

    ibercivis2: news

    Received this email from the project. Sounds kinda like they used google translate :

    Thank you for collaborating in the Boinc COVID-PHYM project

    Dear zombie67 [MM]

    During these days we have finished the first phase of the COVID-PHYM project, which means that, during the next few weeks we will not have workunits -at least until the firs days of october- to process.

    The CSIC research team is currently working on the first scientific article using the obtained results, which will be available in pre-print in the coming weeks and we will send it to you by mail.

    These are the credits you have obtained with your participation in the project:
    CREDITS: 1369761

    You can also download your certificate of participation in the project by clicking on the following link.

    In the next days we will return with BOINC. From Ibercivis we want to thank you deeply for your collaboration in the project and we hope you will continue with us from September.

    Kind regards
    "Don't confront me with my failures, I had not forgotten them" - Jackson Browne

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  2. #2
    Platinum Member
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    Milwaukee, WI

    Re: ibercivis2: news

    Obviously my emails Ital-rish filter dubbed my copy of the email as spam and never delivered it.

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