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Thread: BOINCtasks: Moving it to a different machine

  1. #1
    Diamond Member
    zombie67's Avatar
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    BOINCtasks: Moving it to a different machine

    I want to use a different windows machine as my BOINCtasks host. I have a lot of settings changed to customize it the way I like, and I don't want to have to make all of those changed all over again. Where are those settings saved for BOINCtasks? IOW, what files do I need to copy over from the old machine to the new?
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  2. #2
    Ron Shurtz's Avatar
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    Re: BOINCtasks: Moving it to a different machine

    Quote Originally Posted by zombie67 View Post
    I want to use a different windows machine as my BOINCtasks host. I have a lot of settings changed to customize it the way I like, and I don't want to have to make all of those changed all over again. Where are those settings saved for BOINCtasks? IOW, what files do I need to copy over from the old machine to the new?
    My guess that most of the settings are stored in the Windows registry at:


    You could try right clicking on the eFMer folder at the above location in regedit and "export" the entire key to a file of a "Save as type:" of "Win9x/NT4 Registration Files (*reg)".
    This format type saves the key info as a text file so you can view the contents.

    After installing BoincTasks on a different machine, you could then copy the file saved above to desktop of that computer and double click on it to install those registry settings on that machine.

    There are also a few computer host settings in the: C:\Users\YOU\AppData\Roaming\eFMer folder that could also be copied over.

    This is all guesses. I haven't had the opportunity to try doing this.

  3. #3
    Diamond Member
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    Re: BOINCtasks: Moving it to a different machine

    Ah! The registry. I always forget about that when digging around in windows. What a nightmare of a design that is.

    Thanks for the pointers!
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  4. #4
    Ambassador from TSBT scole of TSBT's Avatar
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    Re: BOINCtasks: Moving it to a different machine

    You can find the files in \Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\eFMer\BoincTasks

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