cross posting this here from

"I have been successfully crunching milkyway, einstein, collatz.. on a dual HD 7970 machine.

I just got some TF wus, it starts 2, it says one is on device 0 and the other device 1 but only one of the cards has a load on it. the other is idle.

I recently updated my driver so to confirm it wasn't that I suspended SRbase and ran some einstein and both cards are utilized.

The 2 WUs completed successfully, the estimated time, ~1600 seconds, was significantly longer than the actual run time 753 seconds and 758 seconds

As the einstein finished on one card SRbase started 1 wu on that card. That one finished in 250 seconds. I watched the other einstein finish (dev 1), and SRbase did not start a WU on that card. While dev 1 is idle SRbase on dev0 finished, and started another solo.

Im sure someone has tackled this before, I just need someone to point me to the fix."