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Thread: whats going on

  1. #1
    Gold Member
    shiva's Avatar
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    whats going on

    so what is going on with latinsquares, i have hundreds of finished wu's and cant upload them. well now it tells me that they are unusable been trying to upload them most of the month.[/url]

  2. #2
    Ron Shurtz's Avatar
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    Re: whats going on

    (OOps, posted this in the WUProp What's going on. Meant to post it here.)

    I had trouble with collatz and did some forum browsing.
    A hand full of projects use a security certificate that has recently expired.
    The latinsquares forum also talks about the certificate issue.

    Options are finding an updated file called:


    And replacing the one on your machine in the ProgramFiles/BOINC directory.

    The other option, which I used, was to edit the ca-bundle.crt file, removing the offending certificate code.
    This worked for me.

    The code is a block in the ca-bundle.crt file labeled: "DST Root CA X3"
    I deleted that line and all text below it that was between and including the "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"
    and "-----END CERTIFICATE-----" lines.

    I then stopped and restarted BOINC Manager.

    (I also made a copy of the file before I edited it in case I messed things up and needed to put it back.

    Supposedly, the next release of BOINC manager will install an updated ca-bundle.crt file with newer certificates.

  3. #3
    Diamond Member
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