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Thread: Moo!: DNETC replacement

  1. #11
    Bryan's Avatar
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    Re: Moo!: DNETC replacement

    Quote Originally Posted by zombie67 View Post
    I take it back. The tasks running on my dual 5870 are taking 5x the run time of the tasks running on my single 5870. So the app, when running in multi-gpu mode, seems to have problems. I will move that machine back to MW for now.
    That is the same thing I noticed when looking at the top computers last night. Those running single cards have much faster completion times that those with multiple cards. The exception was the top dog who was running 3 5870s.

  2. #12

    Re: Moo!: DNETC replacement

    The work units I've done so far are staying in the 8-9 minute range for completion, and hanging around 400 credits each. Then there's and oddball here and there that gives out 2-4k credits seemingly at random. 2 x 6970's, Win7x64.

  3. #13
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    Re: Moo!: DNETC replacement

    We'll see what they come back with.
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  4. #14
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    Re: Moo!: DNETC replacement

    I am running a single 5850. The wu's for me are running all around 20-23 mins and getting 3-400 credit/wu. Also going to let it run overnight but I'll prolly switch back to collatz if this doesn't pay decently.

  5. #15
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    Re: Moo!: DNETC replacement

    why not just run primegrid?

    i am running primegrid + GPUgrid with my gtx260-216 and getting avg work done of about 120,000 from primegrid and another 25,000 from GPUgrid for a combined 155,000 avg work done.

    and i am running 2 primaboinca wu at the same time on my intel E6750 dual core for another 8,000 avg work.

    net avg work about 163,000 for an E6750 + GTX260-216 is pretty good i think.

    wish i had a 2600K OC to the moon plus a couple of GTX580s (hint hint)

  6. #16
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    Re: Moo!: DNETC replacement

    Quote Originally Posted by bmwr606 View Post
    why not just run primegrid?
    It's called Mega Milestones.
    6r39 7r199

  7. #17
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    Re: Moo!: DNETC replacement

    Quote Originally Posted by Crazybob's Son View Post
    I am running a single 5850. The wu's for me are running all around 20-23 mins and getting 3-400 credit/wu. Also going to let it run overnight but I'll prolly switch back to collatz if this doesn't pay decently.
    I let this run overnight and got 213,000 credit overnight. It looks like I'm getting roughly 3700 credit for 11 mins. Which equals out to roughly 500k credit/day. If anyone is hesitant switch over as this looks to be pretty good at the moment.

    They changed the cache from 5 wu's to 25 already so that is good.

    Not sure how this works with the 4800 series cards. If anyone has stats on those cards please post as I know my father has access to 3 of them to switch over.

    - Jason

  8. #18
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    Re: Moo!: DNETC replacement

    Quote Originally Posted by zombie67 View Post

    We'll see what they come back with.
    No response from the admin yet. However, they did post the requirements here:

    For ATI:

    BOINC Client v6.10.17 (Check! I have 6.10.58)
    Driver v10.4 or later (Check! I have 10.11)
    Minimum device memory 250M (Check! I have 1gb)
    ATI Runtime (not older AMD) (I have ??)

    Where does one download Runtime? Is it not part of the Catalyst Software Suite? How do I tell what version I have?
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  9. #19
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    Re: Moo!: DNETC replacement

    Well, I took the plunge and attached as well. If it donīt play well I can always take it to 100.000 and then return to Collatz...
    Proud member of SETI.USA since 28īth December 2005.

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  10. #20

    Re: Moo!: DNETC replacement

    I'm now getting right around 3700 credits per wu pretty steady on one box. The other one is still all over the place. I'm not seeing those credits showing up on BoincStats though. Not sure what's up with that. I'm just about to pass Steve* in overall ranking too.

    So it's taken me roughly 36 hours to rack up over 1 mil credits, but now I need to figure out how to get them to count as BOINC credits.

    Woohoo! Just passed Steve*!! Not very often you get to say that. Now he'll probably put a dozen comps on it.
    Last edited by Shadow; 05-03-11 at 11:08 AM.

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