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Thread: FreeHAL: There are tasks available again

  1. #11
    Gold Member
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    Re: FreeHAL: There are tasks available again

    I just got work again.


    Crunched SETI Classic to the end.

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  2. #12
    Diamond Member
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    Re: FreeHAL: There are tasks available again

    I try to think of FreeHAL like this: If I am not getting any work, then no one else is. No harm, no foul. Any tasks that I get, I am pleasantly surprised. Any credits that show up in my stats are pure upside.
    "Don't confront me with my failures, I had not forgotten them" - Jackson Browne

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  3. #13
    Platinum Member
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    Re: FreeHAL: There are tasks available again

    It has been inconsistent for me too.

  4. #14
    Steve Bohlen

    Re: FreeHAL: There are tasks available again

    Quote Originally Posted by zombie67 View Post
    I try to think of FreeHAL like this: If I am not getting any work, then no one else is. No harm, no foul. Any tasks that I get, I am pleasantly surprised. Any credits that show up in my stats are pure upside.
    Good advice. Outlook officially changed.

    It was pretty nice for a few days though...consistent work all the way.

  5. #15

    Re: FreeHAL: There are tasks available again

    Quote Originally Posted by zombie67 View Post
    I try to think of FreeHAL like this: If I am not getting any work, then no one else is. No harm, no foul. Any tasks that I get, I am pleasantly surprised. Any credits that show up in my stats are pure upside.
    Well I finally got some myself.

    I have set the system to deal with 2 cores and not much for cpu usage. I run too much other projects to give up a full core for processing it. I do not mind the low credits for it.

    I wonder how much it really is going to give me compared to what use to be?

    The 2 core option is nice. Now I can run 2 low cpu tasks for FreeHAL, and the WUProp@Home one as well. I have one more core available for the low CPU usage projects on my 4 core desktop, which is the only one now running BOINC. When I get my old AMD 64 laptop back from a loan out, I may start using it again for BOINC crunching.

  6. #16
    Steve Bohlen

    Re: FreeHAL: There are tasks available again

    Quote Originally Posted by krackedpress View Post
    I have set the system to deal with 2 cores and not much for cpu usage. I run too much other projects to give up a full core for processing it.
    With the recent FreeHAL changes, you can actually run a CI WU on the same core as a WU from another project. At times, I'll run 4 HAL CI WUs and 4 Einstein WUs on a 4 core (2 hyper-threaded physical CPUs) box at the same time. Granted, the HAL and Einstein WUs split each processor time 50/50 which slows down the completion of Einstein WUs, but the HAL WUs are unaffected and still complete in 1hr (just like a HAL CI WU that uses 100% of the CPU). That allows me to keep crunching another project on all cores while taking advantage of the excellent FreeHAL CI credits.

  7. #17
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    Re: FreeHAL: There are tasks available again

    Got some work today.

  8. #18
    Platinum Member
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    Re: FreeHAL: There are tasks available again

    After a week of hitting update, I got some.

  9. #19
    Gold Member
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    Re: FreeHAL: There are tasks available again

    Looks like Freehal may be down for the count. I haven't been able to send or receive wu's for many days now and have 4 that are now expired. The website says they are up and running but I have big doubts.
    From the site:

    Donations needed per month 90 €
    Money in the project's account (July 2011) 0 €


    Crunched SETI Classic to the end.

    SETI@home classic workunits
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  10. #20
    Past Administrator
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    Re: FreeHAL: There are tasks available again

    I think in this case the cart is before the horse. Kinda hard to get people to donate to a project that doesn't stay up! If Tobias gets his project in order and keeps it stable then the donations might pick up.

    Future Maker? Teensy 3.6

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