The Summer Solstice has arrived in the Northern Hemisphere. We hope everyone enjoys this longest day of the year...and for you Southern Hemisphere folks, we hope you kept warm. :)The Cullen/Woodall (Sieve) reached an incomplete depth of over 566T. Over 30T of sieve work was crunched in 251K tasks resulting in over 91.5M cobblestones awarded.Congratulations to Sicituradastra. as the top team and Ross* as the top individual. For more stats and information, please see this forum post.Thank you again to everyone. We appreciate your participation and hope you had fun! Have a wonderful summer and we look forward to seeing you in a couple months at the next Challenge - The Dog Days of Summer Challenge - 26-28 August - 48 hours on the PPS (LLR) application! Come take a break from the Dog Days and cool off with a few primes. It's a GREAT opportunity for you to find a Top 5000 Prime. :)
