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We have started submitting new work. If you still receive an error message regarding bad XML format, please detach and reattach to the project.
My credit ho dream has been answered....Running a few WUs to see the results, if all is well, switching all my CPUs back to Aqua!
Let us know how the test WUs turn out for you, Yo! I'd like to see if some of the new ones can run on my 6 core AMD without crashing the heck out of it yet.![]()
Hey DrPop, take a look at this ---> http://aqua.dwavesys.com/results.php?hostid=108691 <---- This is the Phenom II. Running Fokkers on three threads. Time to start crunching!!!
Two WUs errored out for some reason five more are accounted for and are paying off...TIME TO SWITCH!
Longer WUs seem to be paying about 1 credit/second.
Wait a sec - are we talking about Fokkers now? Did they up the credit on those? I thought the good credits were on the ROQS WUs...and those are what made my six core crash...![]()
OH... Well, sorry mate. I don't have a six core AMD and you need a minimum of four to crunch ROQS work.I can only dedicate 3 cores because the Phenom box is my server.
Maybe try running Aqua without crunching anything else. Just to see if it completes a wu.
And to cover all the bases......
How much mem does that 6x box of yours have?
Were you crunching with stock clocks?
Do you have AMD CPU driver installed?
Did you try resetting the project?
One last thing. My Phenom got 114K today in Aqua with Fokkers. Not bad wouldn't you say?
Last edited by Fire$torm; 07-07-11 at 02:48 AM.
The credit is all messed up. I made 500,000 yesterday on CPU work and that was with one 310,000 second wu earning 0 credits. Ain't it fun.
Man did they sooooo screw up the credits. My last update ----> 154,816,383. I just moved into thrid place on the team.And tenth place on the team for Combined. I so with I had that kind of horse power.