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Thread: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed

  1. #11
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    Re: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed

    Quote Originally Posted by Mumps View Post
    Holy smokes Dan! 374 Mil so far this morning! I think I want me some of that!
    They fixed it already and now I only got 134 Mil today. It was cool I was all the way in 4th place for the team. I never thought I could get their.

    Total silliness! Read the last couple of posts. They think they have corrected it.
    Last edited by dan; 07-07-11 at 09:14 PM.

  2. #12

    Re: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed

    This is a bunch of crap, I've seen someone with 4mil total earn a 1/4 billion today. I actually dropped 54 places on the overall leader board with some people earning 2 billion in 1 day. Remember when crunching used to mean something. Nothing to be proud of guys. Aqua Did something else stupid a year ago, can't remember what it was.

  3. #13
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    Re: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed

    Guys, it will all be corrected in time.

    On another note, this is why MMs are the way to measure things. No matter what a particular project does with credits, there is no need to worry about cross-project parity.
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  4. #14
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    Re: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed

    Quote Originally Posted by zombie67 View Post
    Guys, it will all be corrected in time.
    I actually hope so. Made another 100 Mil so far today.

  5. #15
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    Re: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed

    Thought I was doing great until I looked at the top producers. I didn't get crap.

    Joined Original Message Board: Fri Jan 27, 2006 1:47 pm, Currently with 11298 Posts

    If it ain't crunch'n, unplug it!

  6. #16
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    Re: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed

    Just reading the Aqua thread. Seems boinc is pushing a standard credit on people. My thought is that it's time for Boinc to be replaced.

  7. #17
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    Re: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed

    My thought is that it's time for DA to be replaced.

  8. #18
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    Re: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed

    Quote Originally Posted by YoDude9999 View Post
    My thought is that it's time for DA to be replaced.
    This is truth, whether anyone wants to admit it or not. BOINC has grown to a much larger scale than either DA, Berkeley, or anyone else originally thought possible. It is time for a group to run it, and improve things like credits, etc. If it weren't for the "competition" aspect of "teams and points" they would still be getting the same 1/1500th per day of my current credit, that I was giving them last year, and I would have saved a LOT of money at this point. I do NOT believe I am alone in this.

    Surely this is NOT lost to the majority of individuals running things, is it?

  9. #19
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    Re: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed

    OMG, I just had an epiphany.

    The people that crunch the projects ARE the people with ALL the real power. We do all the work and without us, the work doesn't get done. This is with the exceptions of cruncher entities such as the Nemo cluster and a few others I'm sure. The point being that the people that have spent hundreds or even thousands of dollars on hardware to crunch these projects SHOULD have an amount of say about how things are managed. This should be even more so because of the fact that the people are spending thousands of dollars of their own money to feed the electric companies for the "Honor" of running the projects, not to mention the fact that these projects also rely heavily on donations that are given by, guess who?! to keep them alive. In reality, the projects should be paying us in real money to do this work, but, because a lot of people are very giving, we do these projects simply because we believe we are doing something good for the world.

    Every time DA comes along, a rift is formed within the community because he seems to love screwing around with how the credits are doled out. We've all seen this happen many times in the past and it seems as though this behavior is going to continue and to what end, no one knows or can answer. I'm not saying he's doing a bad job at development, rather, he's doing a horrible job at management. I for one firmly believe he should step down as a manager and stick to development, but that's very unlikely.

    If we look at what BOINC really is, we can see just how fragile the system is as a whole. BOINC is run out of UC Berkeley. This tends to give us the impression that there's a huge computer complex stuffed full of mainframe computers somewhere on campus that runs BOINC. While this could possibly be true, BOINC itself does not require any sort of massive computational power at all, only connectivity to the world.

    Lets look at the components of the BOINC structure for a moment. If we look at each component individually what we get is simply:
    1. Project servers. These are the various servers that are owned by each project. Feeders, validators, etc. These are separate from BOINC itself. These guys are important!
    2. Crunchers. That's us. The community with MILLIONS of computers available to do the work the projects require. These guys are just as important!
    3. BOINC. A mysterious entity located at a college campus that connects the Projects to the Crunchers so the work can get done and reported. Pretty insignificant!

    So, what we have can easily be seen as really nothing more than three separate computers. One computer connects two others together so they can communicate back and forth. Aside from being part of development for the BOINC software and a web site that shows us what we've been doing, that's all BOINC really is, a central hub, or at least that's all I see it truly being. In fact, once a person has connected to a project, BOINC really turns into nothing more than a data collection center for the crunchers with a web site that displays the crunchers results.

    With this is mind, it can also be seen that if there were a few individuals that were willing to form a collation, another order could be formed that could provide the same functionality as BOINC presently does. I don't remember seeing any law that states the various projects have to use BOINC as the "door opener" to the crunchers or even connect to them in any way whatsoever.

    All that's needed is a web site for the projects to "register" or connect to, that provides a method of allowing crunchers to find them. Once the projects are connected to the crunchers, the work is doled out. The crunchers do their thing and the results are reported back to the project. The project then sends the results to the "New Order" web site instead of BOINC and the results are then displayed by other third party web sites like FreeDC, Knights Who Say Ni and the others that are already in place.

    Being that the BOINC software is open source, "massaging" the code a bit to communicate with, "The New Order" instead of BOINC should be a pretty simple task. The only thing that would pose a problem would be that of getting the projects to break away from BOINC and switching over to the new host. We could actually even get the bugs worked out of the code and the things crunchers want, implemented.

    I see this as a viable method of essentially,"Firing" DA and his whole hierarchy and a way to take over what really should belong to the crunchers in the first place!

    What say ye?

  10. #20

    Re: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed

    Wow, users have the power, I heard that as far back as 2004 when original Seti points were converted. As of now I have not seen any corrections at Aqua. Look it's this simple, FreeDC, Boincstats and the others just stop listing Aqua until the corrections are made. Mistakes need to be corrected, if not ban the project. You can't lose the value of points because of error's like this and they are taking waaay to long to correct this.

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