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Thread: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed

  1. #31
    Past Administrator
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    Re: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed

    Well, I Clanks defense, he did say IF you were the Dan he was thinking of. So since you were not that guy, why are you so mad? I have learned the hard way that many times what is posted on forums does not always come across as the poster intended. Since readers do not have any visual or oral cues to work with, as one would have in a face to face situation, it can lead to much misinterpretation.

    As to not commenting on YoDude's post, I was simply waiting for others to respond as I told him in a PM.

    It is unfortunate that you have decided to leave the team. I wish you the best.

    I think this is where one would say, This has been a teachable moment for us.....

    Future Maker? Teensy 3.6

  2. #32
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    Re: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed

    Yo- brings up some very valid points. I have little cash and no programming experience, so I was hoping to stay out of this one because I really don't think I personally can do much about any of it at the moment. I could boycott, I guess! In the end, I highly agree with Yo- that the crunchers should be considered more...we are both the customer AND the employee at once! How crazy IS this? I just paid a whipping electric bill tonight for the honor of crunching their projects! LOL...

  3. #33
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    Re: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed

    Life is like a cache of WU's, you never know what credits you are going to get.

  4. #34
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    Re: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed

    Quote Originally Posted by joker View Post
    Life is like a cache of WU's, you never know what credits you are going to get.

    BTW: I like the new avatar but I can't quite make up my mind what it is.....

    Its either a demon skeleton singing a love ballad in a Vegas night club or a Grateful Dead fan that just toked the world's biggest hit.
    Last edited by Fire$torm; 07-12-11 at 01:35 AM.

    Future Maker? Teensy 3.6

  5. #35
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    Re: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed

    Its me singing "I'm bringing Sexy back". Devil1.jpg

  6. #36
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    Re: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed

    Quote Originally Posted by joker View Post
    Its me singing "I'm bringing Sexy back". Devil1.jpg

    Thanks for bringing the fun back.

    Future Maker? Teensy 3.6

  7. #37

    Re: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed

    Wow, 1st apologies to Dan and the club, I could have fun here but I won't. I believe that your time should be respected and reflected accurately. Aqua's mistake throws all of it out of whack, an example would be a 1 or 2 project cruncher. Your hitting the projects you care about, putting in a couple years and your proud of your points. You realize the difference you made in your corner of the Boinc world and a mistake like Aqua's takes those efforts away to some degree. Some of these projects take commitment for what they return and my last batch of posts were comments against a couple of members lashing out. As far as you Dan, I have seen history here that involved someone named Dan and I did not like the results. Sorry for the mistake.
    Last edited by Clank [MM]; 07-19-11 at 01:30 PM.

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