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Thread: AQUA: Thank-you all

  1. #1
    Diamond Member
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    AQUA: Thank-you all

    Dear volunteers,Your contribution over the last 3 years to the AQUA@home project was critical for us to perform immense computations necessary for the advancement of our science and technology. We have published several scientific papers reporting the results of those computations, including our recent publication in Nature. We made sure to acknowledge your generous contributions in those papers, as your help was vital. At this time, however, we no longer have large computations requiring the computing power of AQUA@home. We therefore have come to the decision to shut down AQUA for the forseeable future. Thank-you again for the selfless devotion of your time, patience, and computing resources to our effort to progress the field of quantum computing.Sincerely,Neil Dickson


  2. #2
    Past Administrator
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    Re: AQUA: Thank-you all

    Awww...shucks. That cult movement group had to come out of nowhere in the last 2 months of the project and rob us of a Team #1 forever...grrrrrr...oh well. At least I got my 5Mil while I could.

  3. #3
    Silver Member
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    Re: AQUA: Thank-you all

    Well I got 20m out of them, that's something at least.

  4. #4
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    Re: AQUA: Thank-you all

    Quote Originally Posted by DrPop View Post
    Awww...shucks. That cult movement group had to come out of nowhere in the last 2 months of the project and rob us of a Team #1 forever...grrrrrr...oh well. At least I got my 5Mil while I could.
    Wonder what the "cult" will move to next? They really should move somewhere with that power.

  5. #5
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    Re: AQUA: Thank-you all

    Quote Originally Posted by NJCaNS View Post
    Wonder what the "cult" will move to next? They really should move somewhere with that power.
    Yes they should. I would suggest Prime95 as their next objective.

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  6. #6
    STMahlberg's Avatar
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    Re: AQUA: Thank-you all

    I got a rock...

    "My god! Do we really suck, or is this guy really that good?" - Mr Hertz - Shoot 'Em Up

  7. #7

    Re: AQUA: Thank-you all

    Quote Originally Posted by YoDude9999 View Post
    Well I got 20m out of them, that's something at least.
    I was trying to run Aqua again, but now having 6.5K does not look good for the end.

    Also Hydrogen@Home was retired as well. At least I got my badge before PG's AG26 ended.

  8. #8
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    Re: AQUA: Thank-you all

    Quote Originally Posted by NJCaNS View Post
    Wonder what the "cult" will move to next? They really should move somewhere with that power.
    LOL! They can move their rigs right under the SETI.USA banner head for all I care - they could be subteam: JoeBlow.SETI.USA [Cult] . . . and we would get a PILE of CPU credits!!!

  9. #9
    Diamond Member
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    Re: AQUA: Thank-you all

    Who is "cult"?
    "Don't confront me with my failures, I had not forgotten them" - Jackson Browne

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  10. #10
    STMahlberg's Avatar
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    Re: AQUA: Thank-you all

    Quote Originally Posted by zombie67 View Post
    Who is "cult"?
    Sounds like these guys if I am not mistaken.

    The Zeitgeist Movement

    Here is the description from their page:

    The Zeitgeist Movement is not a political movement. It does not recognize nations, governments, races, religions, creeds or class. Our understandings conclude that these are false, outdated distinctions which are far from positive factors for true collective human growth and potential. Their basis is in power division and stratification, not unity and equality, which is our goal.

    While it is important to understand that everything in life is a natural progression, we must also acknowledge the reality that the human species has the ability to drastically slow and paralyze progress, through social structures which are out of date, dogmatic, and hence out of line with nature itself. The world you see today, full of war, corruption, elitism, pollution, poverty, epidemic disease, human rights abuses, inequality and crime is the result of this paralysis.

    An important association, upon which many of the ideas of this movement are derived come from an organization called "The Venus Project" (see directed by social engineer and industrial designer, Jacque Fresco. He has worked nearly his entire life to create the tools needed to assist a design of the world which could eventually eradicate war, poverty, crime, social stratification and corruption. His notions are not radical or complex. They do not impose a subjective interpretation in their formation.

    In this model, society is created as a mirror of nature, with the variables predefined, inherently. The movement itself is not a centralized construct. We are not here to lead, but to organize and educate.

    Geez... The Jim Jones' of the BOINC community... Stay away from the Kool-aid guys.
    Last edited by STMahlberg; 08-25-11 at 06:23 AM.
    "My god! Do we really suck, or is this guy really that good?" - Mr Hertz - Shoot 'Em Up

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