I noticed this score on Free-DC awhile back. While somewhat meaningless and somewhat easily manipulted it is an interesting measure. To have a good score you have to be ranked high on your team in whatever projects you crunch (which leaves Zombie and Maxwell out with all their 1oK projects I would think). If you crunch only one project long enough you can get a good score. If you only crunch small projects you can get a good average.

So while we were reaching for 10 billion I've been trying to improve my score on this. Currently, across 19 projects I have crunched (18 currently with SUSA) my average team rank across projects is in the top 10%:actually 9.68421%. If I work on Einstien and Rossetta I might be able to improve this a bit more. Maybe to less than 9%.

I would think to be a truer indicator of crunchin fortitude/persistence one should have at least 5 projects if not at least 10 projects you've been involved with for the team.