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Thread: SLinCA@Home

  1. #1
    Friend of SETI.USA
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    Didn't know where to put this, has anybody been able to get Linux work form this Project lately. I got a few Wu's on Oct 13'th but none since even though the Project always seems to show between 1600-1700 Wu's available ...

  2. #2
    Gold Member
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    Re: SLinCA@Home

    When you look at their server status page ( ) , you can see that the feeder is down. When it is down, you cannot get work. The work generator (not shown) provides WUs to the feeder. The feeder provides those WUs to the scheduler via shared memory (faster than checking the database). The scheduler provides them to your host, and if the upload/download service is running you can send or receive WUs. When any of those are not up and running, there will either be a lack of work or no work. About the only ones crunchers don't care about are the file_deleted and db_purge. Everything else affects downloading work, returning work, and getting credit for work.

    My suggestion is to make a post on the project's message board. Maybe they monitor that better than the BOINC server processes -- and/or send them a PM as that will probably also notify them via email.
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  3. #3
    Friend of SETI.USA
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    Re: SLinCA@Home

    Hi Slicker, I did get 10 SLinCA Wu's on a Linux Box a few hours ago, other than that nothing for days.

    I'd post in the Forum if I could ever get Registered, all I get is rejections when trying to Register ...

  4. #4
    Diamond Member
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    Re: SLinCA@Home

    I think we need a sub-forum for this project.

    1) The app names say "blah blah checkpoint 2hrs blah" To me, that means it checkpoints every 2 hours, but I guess it could mean it check points once, 2 hours in. But according to BT, the task has run for 10 hours, and it check-pointed last 9 hours ago. So "2hr" means neither once at 2 hours, or every two hours. Has anyone tested it? Does it restart from scratch? Or from 1 or 2 hours? from the start? Or no more than 2 hours from the cumulative run time?

    2) Just FYI, a few windows machines can run it, but not all. It looks like a problem with the zip file. In any case, if you want to run it, it must be linux for now.
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  5. #5
    Diamond Member
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    Re: SLinCA@Home

    I got 8 task of SLinCA but doesn't seem they have checkpoint and they run for about 30 hours their name is:

    heavy_lodci011eq32v0p125T1XZ40 - MIN:runtime~32h(checkpoint 2h),RAM~1GB,HDD~60MB is there name.

    I had already tried the project on January but had to give up, I don't remember why.

    Let us see this time how it goes.
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  6. #6
    Friend of SETI.USA
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    Re: SLinCA@Home

    Quote Originally Posted by zombie67 View Post
    I think we need a sub-forum for this project.

    1) The app names say "blah blah checkpoint 2hrs blah" To me, that means it checkpoints every 2 hours, but I guess it could mean it check points once, 2 hours in. But according to BT, the task has run for 10 hours, and it check-pointed last 9 hours ago. So "2hr" means neither once at 2 hours, or every two hours. Has anyone tested it? Does it restart from scratch? Or from 1 or 2 hours? from the start? Or no more than 2 hours from the cumulative run time?

    2) Just FYI, a few windows machines can run it, but not all. It looks like a problem with the zip file. In any case, if you want to run it, it must be linux for now.
    I found running under Windows all pretty much in Error on the zip file but running under Linux they seem to finish & report okay. Any shut down of the BOINC Client will reset the the Wu's back to 0:00 no matter how much time has past. I've lost more Hr's between the SLinCA & RNA Project than any Projects before, probably in the Thousands because I keep forgetting about the Wu's going back to 0:00 Time when you Exit BOINC ...

  7. #7
    Diamond Member
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    Re: SLinCA@Home

    More than 115,000 seconds of crunching to trash, I have just remembered why I did canceled the first tasks, now I just did the same.
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  8. #8
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    Re: SLinCA@Home

    Quote Originally Posted by zombie67 View Post
    I think we need a sub-forum for this project.

    1) The app names say "blah blah checkpoint 2hrs blah" To me, that means it checkpoints every 2 hours, but I guess it could mean it check points once, 2 hours in. But according to BT, the task has run for 10 hours, and it check-pointed last 9 hours ago. So "2hr" means neither once at 2 hours, or every two hours. Has anyone tested it? Does it restart from scratch? Or from 1 or 2 hours? from the start? Or no more than 2 hours from the cumulative run time?

    2) Just FYI, a few windows machines can run it, but not all. It looks like a problem with the zip file. In any case, if you want to run it, it must be linux for now.
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  9. #9
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    SLinCA: how to make it work for windows users

    It turns out that the developer of the app had his zip app in a non-standard folder, and wrote the apps to look for it in the wrong place. So we users saw the error, yet he could not reproduce it. D'oh!

    The solution:

    Thanks to the work of fellow volunteer Ananas, we now have a work around solution for the people who can't get Windows work units to complete successfully with the "Can't open Zip Local File" error.

    Using any compiled zip.exe from the into a folder and extract it (the Win binaries package).
    Copy the extracted zip.exe file to the WINDOWS folder/directory. This adds the zip fuction to the computers PATH statement, as Windows already is in the PATH you don't have to do anything else. No reboot required.
    That is all there is to it.

    Ananas has had heaps of successful work units and now I have my first successful works unit credited with points since May 2011.

    (You could probably use any zip executable but this one we know works.)

    (Still no word on the recalculated points for past Windows work units)

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