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Thread: Radioactive@Home news: Charts tests

  1. #1
    Diamond Member
    Join Date
    October 24th, 2010

    Radioactive@Home news: Charts tests

    We are currently work on map and charts on the site, so some "alerts" can be visible - don't worry, this is not nuclear war or accident in power plant - thats only our tests.


  2. #2
    Silver Member
    Fogle's Avatar
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    October 24th, 2010
    Western Pennsylvania

    Re: Radioactive@Home news: Charts tests

    Hey what ever happened to the guy from USA that was going to get a bunch of detectors into the states. I sent him a PM but never heard anything back.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    shralper's Avatar
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    Re: Radioactive@Home news: Charts tests

    This was the response I got a while ago:

    No, the project has not accepted orders yet for the second batch which these will be from. They are only just sending out the first batch, I don't even have mine (single one) yet.

    You are #14

    If you have a team with a message board, post on there to try to attract some more USA residents.

    See message board for estiamted cost. I will notify you again by PM when it is time to send money.

    I can accept a check in the mail or payment by PayPal but it has to be with PayPal funds (no transfer from credit card) so if you need to, you might want to think about transfering the money to your paypal account ahead of time.

    Then I replied just tell me when and where to send the check. But I haven't heard anything back on that one

  4. #4
    Silver Member
    Fogle's Avatar
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    October 24th, 2010
    Western Pennsylvania

    Re: Radioactive@Home news: Charts tests

    Thanks Shralper! Your really quick on that response. Guess I just have to wait.

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