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Thread: Giving Seti@home another go

  1. #1
    Gold Member

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    Giving Seti@home another go

    So, I decided to push for a Seti@home milestone of 1M.

    I installed the Lunatics installer and will only run it on my gpu.

    Current times range from 95-106 seconds with credits awarded around 21.

    That comes out to about roughly 36k per day. Not a whole lot, but I'm going for a MM.

    I don't seem to get any work other than the Seti_enhanced tasks. Anyone know if the Astropulse tasks are given out for Nvidia GPU's? With the Lunatics installer?

  2. #2
    Past Administrator
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    Re: Giving Seti@home another go

    What exactly is the Lunatics installer? Do I want it for crunching on a GTX 460? Thanks!

  3. #3
    Al's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 18th, 2011
    Chapel Hill, NC
    Quote Originally Posted by spingadus View Post
    I don't seem to get any work other than the Seti_enhanced tasks. Anyone know if the Astropulse tasks are given out for Nvidia GPU's? With the Lunatics installer?
    I don't believe they are meant for anything but the least I've never had one for a Gpu

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