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Thread: my first milestone for myself

  1. #11
    Platinum Member
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    Re: my first milestone for myself

    Congrats! It can only go up from here. Tell hubby you will get him a really nice video card for his machine to play video games on as long as it crunch's projects while he's not using it. That might work? Can always put sons lappy on something that uses very little resources. He'll never know.

    Joined Original Message Board: Fri Jan 27, 2006 1:47 pm, Currently with 11298 Posts

    If it ain't crunch'n, unplug it!

  2. #12
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    Re: my first milestone for myself

    Lol, gratz.

  3. #13
    Silver Member
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    Re: my first milestone for myself

    You could ask your hubby to borrow the machines for the next couple days for the simap race as well as then add your machines to FreeHAL as it is not cpu intensive and for all purposes is basically free credit since it runs alongside your other projects.

    - Jason aka Crazybob's Son (CBS)

  4. #14
    Diamond Member
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    Re: my first milestone for myself

    FYI, you can set BOINC to run at only designated times. For example, you could have BOINC run on their machines only between midnight and 6 AM. That way they would never be impacted by it.

    You can also set BOINC to go idle any time anyone touches the keyboard. That too would make it so that they would never be impacted by it.

    Just throwing out some options....
    "Don't confront me with my failures, I had not forgotten them" - Jackson Browne

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  5. #15
    Gold Member
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    Re: my first milestone for myself

    Thanks Jason. I didn't know about FreeHAL. I'll check that out. Hopefully this weekend I'll get something running on some more of the machines in our house.

  6. #16
    Cruncher Pete

    Re: my first milestone for myself

    Quote Originally Posted by artemis8 View Post
    Thanks Jason. I didn't know about FreeHAL. I'll check that out. Hopefully this weekend I'll get something running on some more of the machines in our house.
    Apart from FreeHAL, Surveill@Home and WUProp@Home are also non intensive projects and can be run alongside others withour interfering too much with their output or with the use of computers for other things. You might be surprised that a quad computer i.e four cores might appear to be running 7 or more cores at the same time.

  7. #17

    Re: my first milestone for myself

    grats !!!! and Welcome to the Darkside !!!!

  8. #18
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    Re: my first milestone for myself

    Quote Originally Posted by artemis8 View Post
    I'll probably stick with what I did before, SETI and Rosetta. But since joining I like Collatz Conjecture for all the credits and I think WCG is a really good project for humanity and stuff so I guess those four. Math isn't that interesting to me, but I'll definitely do PG for the challenges. I like the more science or medicine type ones I think. Although a little bit of me is like...hmm I want a big ole signature thing like of the other people so I should do 1 wu from every project just to have a big signature
    ...and a mega-mile stoner is born. That's how I pretty much started out evidenced by the projects that I have less than 1,000 in.

    6r39 7r199

  9. #19
    Platinum Member
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    Re: my first milestone for myself

    I have the bug bite bad too. Once every couple of months, I have a fight with myself to not buy more hardware.

  10. #20
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    Re: my first milestone for myself

    Quote Originally Posted by zombie67 View Post
    You can also set BOINC to go idle any time anyone touches the keyboard. That too would make it so that they would never be impacted by it.

    Just throwing out some options....
    Sure wish that worked in Linux (or at least in Gentoo).
    6r39 7r199

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