Hi, as the x86_64 application on CAL is currently not working and there might be others who want to run it anyway with the CAL application, e.g. because their card(s) do not support OpenCL, here is an app_info I adapted myself and tested it successfully on a HD7970 today:
Download the application and an included app_info here (click)
This former will reserve one thread/core for processing three tasks at once:
<cmdline>--process-priority 4</cmdline>
This latter will reserve only as many cores/threads as the included app_info will also do, so you may have more cores free for processing other things, like POEM or SIMAP, for instance :
<cmdline>--process-priority 4</cmdline>
As the OpenCL application is running slightly faster (about four seconds running two at once) for me on my HD7970, I use the OpenCL application myself, because those four seconds sum up to quite a large amount of wasted time and credits per day.
Speaking of credits: Did this sucker DA force the guys at MW to reduce credits? I remember having gained a lot more cpd with older and slower cards; okay they had dual GPUs, but anyway!?
Anyway, i thought some might need and like this, and as SETI.USA Hydra wants to get kicking again at Milkyway some time (soon?)...
Hope this helps, Mike and all others trying to run the CAL application at the moment.