I have Boinc 7.0.28,
AMD 12.8 drivers.
t1045 processor,
8gm memory,
GPU: 560ti, 5990,5870 (5870 running from the 6" riser I bought, Thanks F$)
I have the app_info.xml so I can run moo @ 1 wu per gpu AMD. The Cuda card runs 4 wu's of Poem. I use Prolasso and designated 4 cores to Poem and the other 2 cores for Moo.

I was running 3 wu's under the old Boinc 6.xx in about 35 min. I added my 560ti to this box to split my Cuda cards for Poem. To run Poem I had to update to Boinc 7xx and now that I wanted to run Moo again it takes 2x longer to complete. 58 min. on the 5870 and 68+ mins on each of the 5990's gpus. I've checking with Afterburner and it says it running at 900/600 with 99% utilization. But something is not right. I double checked with CPU-Z it also says I'm running at 900 with 99% use. When I ran it prior to the upgrade my temps where in the high 70's when running Moo. Now they are in the high 60's. Here is the strangest part, one wu's ran for 36 mins and pushed my temps to 78. Meaning it was running that one wu properly. I can figure it out. Anyone got any ideas? It's like th gpu is downclocked or something.