QCN has "sister projects in Taiwan (qcn.twgrid.org) and Mexico (www.ras.unam.mx). The project in Mexico recently attracted media attention there for their new deployment of our software. If you are in Mexico, you may want to attach to the project there rather than via QCN-Stanford, so as to be part of a denser group of sensors in Mexico. National Newspaper http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/notas/883074.html National TV - Channel 4 http://tvolucion.esmas.com/foro-tv/f...internet-onu/# Starts 11:02 National TV - Channel 7 http://www.aztecanoticias.com.mx/cap...iembre-de-2012 Starts 9:37 UNAM News http://www.dgcs.unam.mx/boletin/bdboletin/2012_695.html
