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Thread: AQUA: Mass testing of the ROQS application will begin

  1. #11
    Past Admin
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    Re: AQUA: Mass testing of the ROQS application will begin

    I'm noticing that my quad core is jiddery when running this aqua. In the settings I have it set to use 100% of the processors and 80% of cpu like always now the mouse get stuck and takes a sec to move. For the gpu, I'm running collatz which should not be an issue. Anyone have any ideas?

  2. #12
    Silver Member
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    Re: AQUA: Mass testing of the ROQS application will begin

    Arugh, I've been running a Aqua WU now for 22 hours and it's only 51% done. I hate to abourt and lose 22 hours of crunching, but I don't know if it will ever finish. What should I do?

  3. #13
    Platinum Member
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    Re: AQUA: Mass testing of the ROQS application will begin

    Quote Originally Posted by Fogle View Post
    Arugh, I've been running a Aqua WU now for 22 hours and it's only 51% done. I hate to abourt and lose 22 hours of crunching, but I don't know if it will ever finish. What should I do?
    Let it keep running. Aqua WUs take a notoriously long time. And you've be well compensated. Don't panic.

  4. #14
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    Re: AQUA: Mass testing of the ROQS application will begin

    Well I got a computational error after 23 hours, I would advise our team to stay away till this get to be more stable. I lost a lot of production on this project.

  5. #15
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    Re: AQUA: Mass testing of the ROQS application will begin

    I have 28 hours with 6 threads now and it's only 1.14% done. My other box is at 5% and 35 hours of processing.

  6. #16

    Re: AQUA: Mass testing of the ROQS application will begin

    % done and ETA are irrelevant to the work it's doing, it's a wrapper app so BOINC has no idea.

    As for the errors check your logs and see if you're hitting the disk usage issue. Then go tell AQUA about it, so they can actually fix it.

    I'm still not sure what I did differently as I've not dropped a ROQS unit since early last month, and that's the only one ever (and was unrelated to the current errors it seems).

    Edit: Out of curiosity are you guys time sharing AQUA and other apps? Pausing a lot? Exiting BOINC? Restarting? etc?

    The two machines I have running this full time do not time share (due to scheduler problems with multi-core apps), never pause, reboot, etc or at least very very rarely.

  7. #17
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    Re: AQUA: Mass testing of the ROQS application will begin

    Quote Originally Posted by JerWA View Post
    % done and ETA are irrelevant to the work it's doing, it's a wrapper app so BOINC has no idea.

    As for the errors check your logs and see if you're hitting the disk usage issue. Then go tell AQUA about it, so they can actually fix it.

    I'm still not sure what I did differently as I've not dropped a ROQS unit since early last month, and that's the only one ever (and was unrelated to the current errors it seems).

    Edit: Out of curiosity are you guys time sharing AQUA and other apps? Pausing a lot? Exiting BOINC? Restarting? etc?

    The two machines I have running this full time do not time share (due to scheduler problems with multi-core apps), never pause, reboot, etc or at least very very rarely.
    I've had Aqua tasks that take between 50 and 100 hours, but they usually pay around 20,000+ credits. I've never seen one at 20 hours give 1.14% complete.

    What does pausing, rebooting etc have to do with performance? Context switching does incur a performance hit, but nothing real big, like your suggesting.


  8. #18
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    Re: AQUA: Mass testing of the ROQS application will begin

    Quote Originally Posted by JerWA View Post
    % done and ETA are irrelevant to the work it's doing, it's a wrapper app so BOINC has no idea.

    As for the errors check your logs and see if you're hitting the disk usage issue. Then go tell AQUA about it, so they can actually fix it.

    I'm still not sure what I did differently as I've not dropped a ROQS unit since early last month, and that's the only one ever (and was unrelated to the current errors it seems).

    Edit: Out of curiosity are you guys time sharing AQUA and other apps? Pausing a lot? Exiting BOINC? Restarting? etc?

    The two machines I have running this full time do not time share (due to scheduler problems with multi-core apps), never pause, reboot, etc or at least very very rarely.
    Some of my boxes are used from time to time by the family and shut down at night. That may be causing the wu failures. I'll have to try this out running Aqua

  9. #19

    Re: AQUA: Mass testing of the ROQS application will begin

    Quote Originally Posted by dan View Post
    I've had Aqua tasks that take between 50 and 100 hours, but they usually pay around 20,000+ credits. I've never seen one at 20 hours give 1.14% complete.

    What does pausing, rebooting etc have to do with performance? Context switching does incur a performance hit, but nothing real big, like your suggesting.

    Not performance related. But pausing, or stopping, an app means it has to save state. Plenty of apps over the years have had problems doing this (including some that wouldn't at all, so if you interrupted it in any way it would reset to 0% and start over). Just wondering if the problem with the file growing over it's size limit could be related to the app doing this process wrong and leaving behind a little more junk every time it happens.

    Total conjecture, was just curious.

    Oh, and the % complete thing isn't related to the time at all. % and ETA require the app to tell the BOINC framework certain things. If the app isn't BOINC integrated enough to do that, you get no progress and ETA is BOINC making wild guesses without any data to back it up. This app isn't communicating with BOINC very well yet, so the % done is absolutely unrelated to how much work the app has done. Keep in mind that this isn't "just another AQUA" app, usually their apps are way better behaved than this one. Until they put it into the app, the % is not telling you anything at all. Most of my machines sit at 1% for more than 80% of the time it will actually take for the WU to finish. Then they update to something like 42%, which is wrong, and then finish.
    Last edited by JerWA; 04-11-11 at 12:33 PM.

  10. #20
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    Re: AQUA: Mass testing of the ROQS application will begin

    Alright, well looks like it's an AQUA project problem with those WUs. Lame. I lost quite a few days worth of credits on this myself. Sorry for steering anyone wrong when they obviously need to work a few kinks out of it yet. I guess we need to switch to other AQUA sub projects or back to Primaboinca.

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