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Thread: Projects that support Intel HD GPU crunching

  1. #31
    Platinum Member
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    Re: Projects that support Intel HD GPU crunching

    Quote Originally Posted by denim View Post
    That is a crap load more than I will be able to produce. If I get 1000 from either project per day, I will be happy.
    Mine gets ~5k/day on Einstein running two WUs at a time.

  2. #32
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    Re: Projects that support Intel HD GPU crunching

    One thing I will say about the Einstein Intel GPU app - it needs about .5 CPU to run efficiently, and if you don't limit CPU projects to keep from interfering, your production will suffer greatly.

  3. #33
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    Re: Projects that support Intel HD GPU crunching

    Quote Originally Posted by Maxwell View Post
    Mine gets ~5k/day on Einstein running two WUs at a time.
    I will wait a couple of days for it to average out with so many pendings, but I don't think I am going to see more than 700 credits per day combined. Either way, it is more than I was producing a couple of days ago, so every little bit counts for the team.

  4. #34
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    Re: Projects that support Intel HD GPU crunching

    Silly me, giving advice on Einstein's Intel GPU app and not paying attention to my results... since updating my Intel GPU drivers in late January I've had over 1000 invalids on my i7-4790k. From the Einstein Forums:

    "You're currently running driver, which is known to produce bad results on HD 4600 GPUs at Einstein.

    To run with the current Einstein application, you need to revert to the driver, as discussed in the BRP4 Intel GPU app feedback thread."

  5. #35
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    Re: Projects that support Intel HD GPU crunching

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