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Thread: No RSS Feed? Here's some news...

  1. #1
    Platinum Member
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    No RSS Feed? Here's some news...

    Quote Originally Posted by SudokuAdmins

    As the project is approaching its end (up to 99%), we would like to express our gratitude to the community; we could not have come this far without your enthusiasm and support. From the current progress, it is expected that this project will be finished soon (by the end of this month).

    Here are some more points that we would like to address.

    First, we would like to thank you all deeply for your contribution to this project.

    Second, we would like to report the current statistics of the project.
    l No 16-clue puzzles are found yet.
    l The total credit is 727,026,864, equivalent to 3272.3 core-year.

    Our early estimation was 2413 core-year. The difference could be due to the following reasons:
    l We encountered crash Jan 3, 2011. Some credits (before the crash) were added.
    l Clearly have some other overhead.
    l For the 5.4 billion primitive grids, we split them into 52 groups.

    The statistics of them will be reported later.
    l The total number of registered users so far: 29107.

    The total number of users who have contributed: 4360.

    We will revise the above data again or report more soon after our project is finished.

    Third, some of you have asked whether we have next projects and what they are. Yes, we do have plans for our next BOINC projects or volunteer projects. However, they are not yet ready at this moment. When ready, we will release details regarding our new project, which aims to solve 7x7 Go or 9x9 Go positions. Note that the game-tree complexities of 7x7 Go are about 10^47, between Checkers (10^31, solved in 2007) and Othello (10^58, not solved yet).

    We would also deeply appreciate your continued support in advance.

    Thank you very much again.

    The team from sudoku@vtaiwan
    So hurry if yer close!
    Last edited by Mumps; 08-21-13 at 08:14 AM.

  2. #2
    Diamond Member
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    Re: No RSS Feed? Here's some news...

    Thanks for posting this, Mumps!

    Good to know there are more projects planned!
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  3. #3
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    Re: No RSS Feed? Here's some news...

    Quote Originally Posted by zombie67 View Post
    Thanks for posting this, Mumps!

    Good to know there are more projects planned!

    I hope I have enough time to get to 100k.
    6r39 7r199

  4. #4
    Past Administrator
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    Re: No RSS Feed? Here's some news...

    I'll check the feed but IIRC their RSS has a bug..

    Oh, this is the project that doesn't use RSS. Someone might want to make a feature request...???
    Last edited by Fire$torm; 08-21-13 at 02:57 PM.

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  5. #5
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    Re: No RSS Feed? Here's some news...

    Quote Originally Posted by Fire$torm View Post
    I'll check the feed but IIRC their RSS has a bug..

    Oh, this is the project that doesn't use RSS. Someone might want to make a feature request...???
    That's probably because they didn't want to hassle with upgrading their server software which seems to take several weeks to get all the bugs worked out to where it runs like the previous version.
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