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Thread: Could use some help for these team MegaMilestones: Jan 2011

  1. #1
    Silver Member
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    Could use some help for these team MegaMilestones: Jan 2011

    Data gathered: 1/20/11
    I'll try to update this post as these team MM goals are reached.

    Quick summary:
    Jump on
    (Accomplished 3/5/11),
    Work GPU Grid (Accomplished 2/11/11),
    Hit SIMAPP
    (Accomplished 2/7/11),
    Added 2/16:
    Chip in on AndrOINC
    (Accomplished 2/24/11),
    Work Iber (Accomplished 2/8/11),
    Get on Leiden
    (Accomplished 3/4/11),
    stay with WUProp
    (Accomplished 3/3/11), and
    Get EON over 1 Million
    (Accomplished 2/15/11)
    Added 2/16:

    Get CAS@Home
    over 1 Million (Accomplished 3/6/11).

    All Team MM project total goals for the current period have been reached. Thanks team mates. Check out the post on the Team Top Ten MM that appears in this same forum if you are looking for a project to get involved with for a couple of months
    Also look for an updated (new post) sometime next month as to what next and see what we accomplished on Team MM this first quarter of 2011.

    Details by MM level follow. Join group Team Mega Milestones for more details.

    Column 1 is current rank in world
    Column 2 is # of project at milestone
    Column 3 is # of project soon to make it (subjectively determined)
    Column 4 is Team Name

    1 Billion MM
    • 1 5 0 SETI.Germany
    • 2 4 2 SETI.USA
    • 2 4 0 Sicituradastra
    • 2 4 0 Team 2ch
    • 5 3 0 Czech National Team
    • 5 3 1 L'Alliance Francophone

    Observation: Good opportunity to get and hold a first place!!!! PG is virtually automatic in a few days. Aqua is also close and will make us sole possessors of #1 for awhile. Update 1/22: PG is over 1 billion!! We are tied for first place with SG!!
    Recommendation: jump on Aqua so we get it there quicker (besides Aqua is the best CPU source of points). Update 3/5: Aqua is over 1 billion!! We are now in sole procession of #1 in this Team MM. SG and 2ch have been relegated to #2's and LAF continues to live in #4 land. Pop open your choice of cold ones in celebration!!

    500 Million MM
    • 1 7 0 L'Alliance Francophone
    • 2 6 0 SETI.USA
    • 2 6 0 Team 2ch
    • 4 5 1 SETI.Germany
    • 5 Four teams are in 5th place.

    Observation: LAF owns 1st place by themselves and we are in a 2nd place tie with 2ch and eventually SG. Recommendation: None, no quick/easy solution.

    250 Million MM
    • 1 10 0 L'Alliance Francophone
    • 2 9 0 Czech National Team
    • 3 8 0 SETI.Germany
    • 3 8 1 SETI.USA

    Observation: NEED TO ATTACK!!! Have a chance to move up to 2nd here. Recommendation: is to hit GPU Grid. Update 2/11: GPUGrid is over 250 million!! We are tied for second place at this level!!

    100 Million MM
    • 1 15 0 L'Alliance Francophone
    • 2 13 0 Czech National Team
    • 2 13 0 Planet 3DNow!
    • 2 13 1 SETI.Germany
    • 5 12 0 SETI.USA
    • 6 11 0 Canada

    Observation: WE ARE SCREWED HERE!!! We have nothing in the hopper. Planet 3D just passed us and SG will reach 14 projects at this level. All of which leaves us in 5th place!! Recommendation: We should congratulate 3D on this nice MM.

    50 Million MM
    • 1 19 0 L'Alliance Francophone
    • 2 15 0 SETI.Germany 5 million away from next
    • 2 15 1 SETI.USA
    • 4 14 0 Planet 3D Now

    Observation: Good opportunity to push SG temporarily down to 3rd. Recommendation: Get SIMAPP over 50 Million (they have work at the moment). Update 2/7: SIMAPP is over 50 million!! We are back to being tied for second place with SG @ 16 projects at this level!!

    25 Million MM

    • 1 23 0 L'Alliance Francophone
    • 2 20 0 SETI.Germany 2 million away from next one
    • 2 20 0 Planet 3DNow! 1.8 million away from next one
    • 4 19 0 SETI.USA YOYO 4.7 Million away from next one
    • 5 17 0 Ars Technica
    • 5 17 0 BOINC Synergy 2.5 million away

    Observation: We are weak here. YoYo is 4.7 million credits away. Recommendation: Focus on other MM's for now. Added 2/16: Get on the fast moving AndrOINC project and we can erase this ugly 4th place ranking we have. Update 2/25: AndrOINC is over 50 million!! Ugly 4th place erased but we are only tied for 3rd with SG now. Planet 3DNow! picked up one more also.

    10 Million MM
    • 1 34 1 L'Alliance Francophone
    • 2 28 0 SETI.Germany
    • 2 28 2 SETI.USA
    • 4 27 1 Ars Technica

    Observation: Attack this one! We are in good position to get in front of SG for #2 and with a cushion. Recommendation: I'll work Iber but could use some help and looks like Mumps will do Enigma by himself. Update 1/22: Enigma is over 10 million!! SG dropped to #3! Update 2/8: Iber is now over 10 million!! We have a 3 project lead over SG for #2 but sit 4 projects behind LAF for first.

    5 Million MM
    • 1 45 0 L'Alliance Francophone
    • 2 39 0 SETI.Germany
    • 3 38 2 SETI.USA
    • 4 33 0 BOINC Synergy

    Observation: Attack this one too. We can get a 2nd even when SG's next project reaches this MM. Recommendation: Hit Leiden Update 3/4: Leiden passes 5 million!! We have a 3 project lead over SG for #2 but sit 3 projects behind LAF for first and WUProp. Update 3/3: WUProp passes 5 million!! We have a 2 project lead over SG for #2 but sit 4 projects behind LAF for first.

    1 Million MM
    • 1 68 1 SETI.USA Eon 130k away
    • 2 67 1 SETI.Germany 100k away
    • 3 66 0 L'Alliance Francophone
    • 4 59 0 BOINC Synergy

    Observation: An MM we're actually in first on!! We need to defend this one! Recommendation: Critical to push EON over 1 Million. Update 2/15: EON is over 1 million!! Added 2/16: Get on the CAS@Home project and we can pick up another 1 million project cushion. Update 3/6: EON is over 1 million!!

    END NOTE: I'll do separate posts with recommendations for the Team Mega's for Top 10 in a project and Team #1 when I get a chance.
    Thanks for any help you can provide and happy crunching for SUSA.
    Last edited by NJCaNS; 03-06-11 at 02:34 PM.

  2. #2
    Platinum Member
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    Re: Could use some help for these team MegaMilestones: Jan 2011

    My thoughts, for s***s and giggles:

    NJ has some great points up there and some great guidance. I suggested AlmereGrid to the BlackOps folks to get that one closer to the 1M MM (it's not too far away). AndrOINC is also going to go over 1M soon, since the credits there are awesome at the moment. So check that out too...

    On 5M MMs: Two additional ones to pay attention to: DistRTGen now has a CUDA app, so if you have a CUDA card and want some quick milestones there, jump on it. Also, my next quest is a 1M in DDM, which will get is remarkably close to the 5M there, so that might be another opportunity if anyone is interested.

    Great stuff, NJ, and thanks for posting!!!

  3. #3
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    Re: Could use some help for these team MegaMilestones: Jan 2011

    Admins: can you put a stickie on this until we get most of these MM's reached? Or tell me how to since I didn't see that option when posting.

    Thanks for the input Maxwell especially about AndrOINC since it's so new and I suspect won't be around long since it has only has one purpose.

    Just a reminder about the purpose of posting these suggestions. This isn't an attempt to be an exhaustive list. These are projects that are very close to reaching a MM for the team and I just want to make sure they get to the MM and not become a GeneticLife. It also keeps SUSA up in the rankings on particular MM's. Some are stalled with low RAC's for various reasons and just need a little focus/push to get there.

    I hope to review the MM situation periodically (quarterly?) to see if any special focus on a project is needed. I might also mention some projects that are in critcal MM levels and will need a long term effort. These long term MM's will be mostly for members looking for a suggestion for a "park and crunch" project they can just sit on.
    Last edited by NJCaNS; 01-21-11 at 03:18 AM.

  4. #4
    Platinum Member
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    Re: Could use some help for these team MegaMilestones: Jan 2011

    Btw, when NJ says "don't become another Genetic Life" he means that we don't want another project that ends just short of a MM - GenLife was about 150k short of 10M. So this is a plan to hit projects so as not to fall just short of a MM...

  5. #5
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    Re: Could use some help for these team MegaMilestones: Jan 2011

    First update of awesomeness: Thanks to Mumps, the team is now over 10M in Enigma. Way to go team, and thanks for the recent push, Mumps!!!

  6. #6
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    Re: Could use some help for these team MegaMilestones: Jan 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by Maxwell View Post
    First update of awesomeness: Thanks to Mumps, the team is now over 10M in Enigma. Way to go team, and thanks for the recent push, Mumps!!!
    Good job Mumps and TY Maxwell for the update.

    Future Maker? Teensy 3.6

  7. #7
    Silver Member
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    Re: Could use some help for these team MegaMilestones: Jan 2011

    Prime Grid crossed into 1 Billion credit land today also. We are now tied with SG for #1 with the most projects reaching 1 Billion. When Aqua reaches 1 Billion in about 40 days or so we'll be sole owners of first place. If people hit Aqua we'll get there sooner.

    The original post reflects these 2 MM from today.

    SimApp is just under 600K from 50 million but only doing 42K a day. I'm tempted to jump over there to help get it there sooner because Iber is progressing slowly but haven't decided yet. I know people are busy on other projects but if someone(s) will jump to SimApp, I'll join you.

  8. #8
    Platinum Member
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    Re: Could use some help for these team MegaMilestones: Jan 2011

    And and and, we crossed 1M at AndrOINC today. Yay!!!

  9. #9
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    Re: Could use some help for these team MegaMilestones: Jan 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by Maxwell View Post
    And and and, we crossed 1M at AndrOINC today. Yay!!!
    Just noticed that. But get the story straight: you guys did that in just one day with 1.2 million just today. Show offs.

    But can you get to 5 million in a week?

  10. #10
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    Re: Could use some help for these team MegaMilestones: Jan 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by NJCaNS View Post
    Just noticed that. But get the story straight: you guys did that in just one day with 1.2 million just today. Show offs.

    But can you get to 5 million in a week?
    I'm doing my part!

    But I think the answer to your question is YES.

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