Hey everyoneIts exciting news day.Two of theSkyNet's scientists - Kevin Vinsen from ICRAR and David Thilker from Johns Hopkins University - have had a journal paper published talking all about theSkyNet and how it works.Published in Astronomy & Computing the paper describes theSkyNet's technical side and how Kevin and David are using your donated processing power to calculate lots of different things about galaxies in the nearby Universe. It's a great summary of the science behind the beautiful galaxy images you're helping process in theSkyNet POGS.You can see the paper's summary, and download it (for a fee) to read the whole thing, or read the archived pre-print version online. But it doesn't stop there. We have also been featured as part of an AWS (Amazon Web Services) case study that explains how we utilise the AWS systems for efficiently managing POGS and theSkyNet website.Enjoy!
