The Brook+/CAL application, otherwise known as plan class "ATI14", are now available for Windows and Windows 64. They are based on the 2.09 applications, but with the additional solo_collatz verification added. They utilize the same command line settings as the Collatz v2.09 ATI applications. Anyone with an AMD HD 2400 or later GPU can once again participate. In addition, those with AMD OpenCL compatible GPUs can choose via their preferences whether to run the ATI14 apps, the OpenCL AMD apps, or both.Recent AMD video drivers, especially those installed for Windows 8 and even some for Windows 7, may not install the necessary CAL DLLs and therefore cannot run the Brook+/CAL application. Try as I might to manually install them, I had to downgrade a laptop with an ATI Mobility HD 3200 GPU from Windows 8.1 to Windows 7 and also install an older version of the AMD video drivers in order to even test the solo_collatz Brook+/CAL application. Given that Brook+ has not been supported by AMD for a number of years and new AMD GPU hardware cannot run CAL applications, it is not all that surprising. So, if you have an older AMD Radeon HD series GPU that cannot run OpenCL applications and you want to continue to use it to run ATI applications with Collatz or other BOINC projects, you may want to avoid future AMD video driver upgrades.
