On Monday July 14, the Test4theory project will be migrated to a new server, and also get a new name: "vLHC@home". Following 3 years of running Theory simulations under CernVM and BOINC, we plan to gradually expand the project and add more applications on CernVM with simulations from the LHC experiments. Thus the new name: "Virtual LHC@home". The old server URL will be redirected, and we expect that the transition should be transparent to BOINC clients. The forums and BOINC user database will remain the same as today. There is a slight risk that running tasks may fail and that the credit for these will be lost. We would in that case recommend to detach and re-attach to the project. Further advice will be given here in the News forum once the upgrade is completed. We would like to express our warmest thanks to all of you for your contributions to Test4Theory, and hope that you will continue to stay with us in the future! The team
