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Thread: How to setup VBox and Run Linux on your Windows System

  1. #11
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    Re: How to setup VBox and Run Linux on your Windows System

    Quote Originally Posted by scole of TSBT View Post
    How are you allocating threads to the BoincClient running under windows? <ncpus> or % of processors in prefs?
    How many cores/threads is the VM defined with and how is BoincClient in the VM allocating threads?
    In windows I use app_config with project max concurrent, along with an app_config to give GPU a thread. On VM I set the machine to however many threads of CPU I want it to use. So for the above example, I'm running WCG limited to 16 concurrent on Windows, with a 6 thread VM running WCG (BETA). Windows is also running SETI on GPU with 1 thread dedicated.

  2. #12
    Ambassador from TSBT scole of TSBT's Avatar
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    Re: How to setup VBox and Run Linux on your Windows System

    What kind of/percentage cpu use does the windows resource monitor show?

  3. #13
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    Re: How to setup VBox and Run Linux on your Windows System

    I managed to install Virtual Box and extensions along with Linux 18.1 "Serena" Xfce with only a few problems; the biggest one being MSI in their infinite wisdom buried the vt-x feature which is turned off by default. I also installed Boinc and I'm currently running WEP-M+2 to see how it does.

    So is it normal when you "Power off the machine" that you lose Boinc? I assumed it would install that application to the VM drive that it created on disc or must you use "Save the machine state"?

    Also, I read that it was stated that there would be instructions for the following in the future...

    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan View Post

    We will give instructions on how to:

    Install in VBox
    Install onto USB stick
    Dual boot your PC (run native Linux at will)
    ...seems like that future would be now.
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  4. #14
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    Re: How to setup VBox and Run Linux on your Windows System

    If you are running a "live disc" meaning you put in the cd or iso you can install BOINC but when you shut down you will lose it. In the upper left of the desktop there is an icon called "install". Did you actually click on that and do a real installation? If so then BOINC should be present on the VM's HDD when you reboot Linux.

  5. #15
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    Re: How to setup VBox and Run Linux on your Windows System

    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan View Post
    If you are running a "live disc" meaning you put in the cd or iso you can install BOINC but when you shut down you will lose it. In the upper left of the desktop there is an icon called "install". Did you actually click on that and do a real installation? If so then BOINC should be present on the VM's HDD when you reboot Linux.
    I used the Software Manager to install BOINC. The only icons I have on the desktop are Home and Install Linux Mint.
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  6. #16
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    Re: How to setup VBox and Run Linux on your Windows System

    Okay, it sounds like you are running off of "live CD" and haven't actually installed Mint yet. Click on the Install Linux Mint icon and do the actual install. Once you do that it will ask you if you want to continue testing or reboot. Then you know that you've actually installed Mint. After the reboot you can install BOINC and it will be there from then on.

  7. #17
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    Re: How to setup VBox and Run Linux on your Windows System

    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan View Post
    Okay, it sounds like you are running off of "live CD" and haven't actually installed Mint yet. Click on the Install Linux Mint icon and do the actual install. Once you do that it will ask you if you want to continue testing or reboot. Then you know that you've actually installed Mint. After the reboot you can install BOINC and it will be there from then on.
    I'll do that. Thank you.
    "My god! Do we really suck, or is this guy really that good?" - Mr Hertz - Shoot 'Em Up

  8. #18
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    Re: How to setup VBox and Run Linux on your Windows System

    Oh when you tell it to reboot it will give you a message to remove the installation CD or whatever. If you used a CD then just take it out. If you used an ISO file then you have 2 options:

    1. Go onto the HDD and rename the ISO file.

    2. The better way is when it asks if you want to continue testing then tell it yes. The click on the shutdown X in the upper right corner. It then gives you some choices and you want to select "Power down".

    Then in the VBox control panel highlight the VM, hit SETTINGS, and under the SYSTEM TAB, you'll see a box with the boot order. Move the HDD to the top of the list. Then it won't try to reload the ISO file

  9. #19
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    Re: How to setup VBox and Run Linux on your Windows System

    Sorry if I haven't read all the details but I do this stuff quite frequently. For instance I have my t5500 with 4 boinc instances, 1 windows (host) 3 linux vms.

    When you are in vbox manager and tell it where your linux iso is and begin the install/setup you're essentially starting a live disc. Depending on the ISO, you'll need to "install" that live disc. (I use virtual dynamic disk btw with about 16gb preset to be safe). Once you've "installed" your linux it'll probably ask you to reboot and remove the media. You don't have to remove the "media" from the vbox disc, it knows what you're doing. Now you can treat it like another computer and just shut it down within linux, or if you'd like you can use vbox to shut it down with it's various options.

    In my experience the most troubles I've had are with the setup and storage part. I'll just make this little list incase it helps at all
    Vbox > new name/os
    memory size > you can change this but think about 1gb per crunching thread you can adjust later
    virtual disk> Create virtual disk > VDI > Dynamic > then something bigger than 16gb should be good
    Now it should be in VBOX list and "powered off" > right click it go to settings
    System > set cpu/memory you want
    Storage > click the disc in "storage tree" then click the disc on attributes "optical drive" this is where you locate the .iso

    Vbox is gonna treat that .iso like a bootable disk, it should boot up and be "operational" but you'll need to "install" the OS before you install anything else or else it won't be saved. I think a lot of us run Linux Mint and when I luanch it for the first time from vbox i'll have an icon on the desktop that says "Install Mint" or something. Do that and you should be good to go from now on. And once you get it the way you like it you can "export" that vdi and have it all setup for other VMs.

    I remember Duke used to run completely live, so every time his computer shut down he would have to reinstall on boot up. I can't remember who but someone sent him a bootable linux dvd and he ran that for a couple years. If it were on a USB 3.0 drive I imagine it could be very fast, you'd just have to install boinc every time, unless your live .iso already had boinc installed, which I think his did.
    Last edited by MindCrime; 02-04-17 at 03:50 PM.

  10. #20
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    Re: How to setup VBox and Run Linux on your Windows System

    Quote Originally Posted by MindCrime View Post
    For instance I have my t5500 with 4 boinc instances, 1 windows (host) 3 linux vms.
    Why 4 instances of Boinc?

    When I was playing around with Linux, I had paused Boinc on Windows while I installed Boinc on Linux and ran some WEP wu's. When the instance of Boinc on Windows resumed from it's timeout, it locked up my rig or rather slowed it down that it became unresponsive.
    "My god! Do we really suck, or is this guy really that good?" - Mr Hertz - Shoot 'Em Up

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