Hey there everyone!

My name is Josh and I'm pretty excited to be a cruncher. I think SETI is an awesome project (considering all going on in the space news/community) and as I get the hang of things I will be joining other projects. Right now I only have my laptop crunching and then I'll be adding my machines with MUCH better specs and equipment once I'm comfortable with everything. My typical completion rate (per work unit is it called?) is roughly an hour, although a few have taken 3-4 hours. I have completed 15 so far (woohoo)! A couple of questions for you seasoned crunchers:

How can I speed up crunching? I suspect it's hardware based, cpu/gpu
Where are member rankings for the curious?
Any other add ons to the program or other projects members highly recommend or consider a "must"?

I look forward to being a helpful and contributing member here at good ol SETI.USA team and community!