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Thread: Enigma special tricks?

  1. #21
    Gold Member

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    Re: Enigma special tricks?

    I know we are going to lose second place, I just need to run something stable on my computers as I'll be going overseas next week with limited internet access.

  2. #22

  3. #23
    Silver Member
    Shandia's Avatar
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    Re: Enigma special tricks?

    The new opti app is a good catch. Thanks Carlos. Bipolar is chewing things up with it. I used the old c2d on the other two systems for a side by side comparison. I switched the e6600 over to the new app this morning and am testing it now on it.

  4. #24
    Bryan's Avatar
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    Re: Enigma special tricks?

    I've been using both the Windows and Linux versions for several months and they definitely outperform the "old" opti apps.

  5. #25
    Silver Member
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    Re: Enigma special tricks?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan View Post
    I've been using both the Windows and Linux versions for several months and they definitely outperform the "old" opti apps.
    You can say that again! I didn't bother testing the old app on Bipolar first to get a base reading. (my bad) My times are as follows...
    Bipolar -- c2q 9550 -- 1,644.43 to 3,376.63 New Opti
    Sapphire -- c2d e6600 -- 5,396.76 to 5,914.48 Old C2D Opti
    Emerald -- c2q 6600 -- 7,492.04 to 7,563.20 Old C2D Opti
    Sapphire is a new install within the last month with nothing on it except for Boinc and mining software.Until last night, the only projects on it were BU, Goofy, and WUProp. I'm sure it doesn't know NOT to out perform it's q equivalent with the old app. It does appear to have made a slight improvement with the new opti over the old C2D. Really can't expect too much out of it. Oh, I also went out of my way to install opencl_runtime_16.1_x64 on it and Bipolar to get a little more umph out of the mining software. I didn't touch the c2q6600.....maybe that also played a wee part. At the time which I installed that, I was running nvidia on both systems and figured it really wouldn't hurt the cpu that much to have that option.

    EDIT -- Sapphire -- 2,475.31 to 2,966.41 New Opti
    Yeah, the new opti app is just a little better. And I'm gonna beat Emerald for being an ass if it doesn't improve by a large margin running the new app.
    Last edited by Shandia; 05-26-16 at 11:40 AM.

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