What kind of run times are you seeing? I ran a few on a 3770k at 17 minutes/wu running the option app I've had installed for a long time. Just wondering if the one you're using is newer/faster.
See post #6 of this thread.
Sorry, I overlooked it. Thanks.
Looks like we are gonna lose second place.
After a few days on Denis and NFS I am back to enigma. My first goal will be to be the best Portuguese on rankings, for that I'll need to crunch 2M, second help team to keep second place overall or to reach first spot.lets see what comes first.
Well, it doesn't look very likely that the team will hold that second place. With jjch from team Hewlett-Packard putting up 1 mil daily as his pet project, we'll probably not want to defend it that hard at all. (He's pretty much been doing 1 mil daily since June 2015.)
I do have a few mil I want to make here as well, but I was planning on waiting til at least after FB completes in 20 days, seeing as we have a comfortable first place on Enigma for FB already.