Quote Originally Posted by Bryan View Post

Since the 16e pay 3-4X the 14/15e WU then you can reduce the number of threads running 16e so it fits into your available memory. You'll get more credits that way
Quote Originally Posted by scole of TSBT View Post
The 16e WUs require up to 1GB RAM. If your system doesn't have enough physical memory, it will use virtual memory (paging memory in and out of RAM and onto disk) which is horribly slow. If you don't have enough RAM, run the 15e and 14e WUs. They only require up to .5GB RAM. If you want more credit, run 15e as they pay better than the 14e. If you want badges, run both.
I thought I had 6GB on this thing... I actually have 8GB and only 56% is being used. I killed GoofyGrid and WUProp and that cleared up 6 of the 8 threads. I still have 2 threads running in the red for some reason; however, it's no longer showing ridiculous completion times. Even the 16e say they'll complete in 2.5 hours... so we'll see.

I'm just running NFS for the challenge but I will be more that happy to take any credit or badges I gain.