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Thread: Immigration

  1. #1
    Gold Member
    shiva's Avatar
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    I know this isn't always the most popular subject, but it is one we need to look at. The is just some information on what is going to happen in the USA if we continue to go down the road we are on now.[/url]

  2. #2
    Gold Member
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    Re: Immigration

    Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs
    Really an amazing demonstration.[/url]

  3. #3
    Platinum Member
    John P. Myers's Avatar
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    Re: Immigration

    Very good video. It brings up alot of points most people don't think about. Only 1 issue with it though: america doesn't allow 1 million immigrants/year because they think it'll help end world poverty, even though that might be the BS excuse they give you. The real reason is to attract those most educated, most energetic poor people here to increase our GNP. It's selfishness, essentially. The gov't is well aware some of those that immigrate here would have been the "agents of change" in their home nation if they had been denied entry here. That's *exactly* why they weren't denied entry here. They simply can't allow impoverished nations to become prosperous. How else could the gov't ensure the voters could continue to buy a 6-pack of wash clothes for $1.29, or a spatula for $0.50? They pat themselves on the back for keeping poor countries poor so whenever a corporation needs cheap labor, they will never have a problem finding it.

  4. #4
    Diamond Member
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    Re: Immigration

    Quote Originally Posted by shiva View Post
    I know this isn't always the most popular subject, but it is one we need to look at. The is just some information on what is going to happen in the USA if we continue to go down the road we are on now.
    Very good video Rick with a good point of view.

    Quote Originally Posted by John P. Myers View Post
    Very good video. It brings up alot of points most people don't think about. Only 1 issue with it though: america doesn't allow 1 million immigrants/year because they think it'll help end world poverty, even though that might be the BS excuse they give you. The real reason is to attract those most educated, most energetic poor people here to increase our GNP. It's selfishness, essentially. The gov't is well aware some of those that immigrate here would have been the "agents of change" in their home nation if they had been denied entry here. That's *exactly* why they weren't denied entry here. They simply can't allow impoverished nations to become prosperous. How else could the gov't ensure the voters could continue to buy a 6-pack of wash clothes for $1.29, or a spatula for $0.50? They pat themselves on the back for keeping poor countries poor so whenever a corporation needs cheap labor, they will never have a problem finding it.
    Nice post JPM, if they were so interested in changing things, they could start by changing some ideas. Imigrants, on a general way, keep on living on the same ethnic neighborhoods, as they lived on their country, they just buy some expensive sneakers and a second hand car. On a general way there is no integration on the XX and XXI century imigration.
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  5. #5
    Gold Member
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    Re: Immigration

    ohh there are some things in the video that I agree with and some I don't. I do think if we really want to try to help the poor then we should help them where they are. even if you doubled their standard of living from 2 to 4 there would still be plenty of cheap labor around the world.[/url]

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