Quote Originally Posted by denim View Post
28 Feb 2017 | 17:42:04 UTC (This is an automated message. Replies to this message will not be read.)

Dear AP finder,

Congratulations! Our records indicate that a computer registered by you has found a unique Arithmetic Progression of primes of length 20. This computer is assigned to the AP27 project. Since primes found in this subproject are not large enough to report to the Top 5000 Primes List, your AP20 sequence is visible immediately.

Workunit 515703015 : 321041743426939741+22773321*23#*n for n=0..19

You can select the minimum length of AP for which to receive these notifications in your PrimeGrid preferences.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us and we will surely resolve any problems.

Once again, congratulations on your find! Thank you for participating in PrimeGrid.

The PrimeGrid Staff

looking like the 9th
Boy you like finding those AP's well done.