Just want to say a thank you to youse fellers for putting some good info on these boards. When I decided to join, I was cruncing maybe 2500 RAC with a geforce 9500 GT and a core quad 6600, just running Seti. Watching and learning a little, put the GPU over to PG and CPU to prima, latest RAC was over 16k.

With a buddy of mine deciding to go with a GTX580, I wanted his old GPU.(He's not a cruncher, can't teach some people anything). Long story short, I gots a GTX 460 for a hunnert bucks and decided to swap it today. Swapped and back up in 10 minutes, but there was an awful sound coming from my box. Started softly, but kept getting louder and louder. So my blood pressure keeps going higher and higher thinking my buddy just sold me a POS card.... I'm pushing on it, flashilighting everywhere on this brick I just shoehorned into a mid-tower case, starting to grit teeth and swear...

I decide to softly lean my case over to see if the bottom fan was just riding low on the case of this new GPU.(Hadn't put the side back on yet) As I do, the sound gets worse and worse until the case fan stops which catches my eye. Had a loose PSU cable hitting the case fan on the back. Sheepishly I move said cable, apologize for my bad language and murderous thoughts(under my breath of course), and am now sitting happily(and silently) crunching away with a GTX460.

My Happy Sunday story!
