Quote Originally Posted by purplecfh View Post
Welcome, hope to see you join us for the pentathlon soon!

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Purplcfh, Sounds like fun but to be honest, I have no idea what that is or even how to join for such and much less how to set things up to participate. Here is the thing, I have noticed from reading and such that you folks have turned crunching into a very complex art form. My mental capabilities since my stroke is about that of a spoon. Back when I was crunching it was just a DL and run. Now it seems there are strategies and such, terms I have never heard before etc and so on. I have literally lost 1/4 of my brain. The sad part is I can remember what it was like to not have such issues. According to neurological testing I can retain what I am told for about 3 minutes at best (Now my wife can no longer say it is due to selective hearing). Needless to say I try to keep notes, directions etc. Following complex setups is a major issue. Heck, I can't even get around on facebook now. To think I was a neuropsychologist prior to my stroke. Now I cant even work a stove due to I forget to cut it off. Sorry for the book, I guess what I am trying to say is unless someone is willing to talk me through step by step on set up to even be able to compete and I am talking like one would explain to a 5 year old, I would not be of much use. It would be fun for me though for sure.