I can't say I've really been keeping up with technology much.

In looking at the board that Z has in his post (C) it's this one - here

I was also looking at getting some M.2 drives as I'd be using this as a database server long term.

Honestly I thought the M.2 PCI drives just went into a PCI 3.0 slot (shows how far behind I am!!), but it appears they have dedicated slots.

I was looking at these - here as I've had great experience with Intel SSD drives. But it appears there may even be faster ones I'm just not quite sure of compatibility
So, questions

1. This has two of those slots ?
2. Can I put 2 in the two slots at full speed ?
3. Can more be put in the PCI slots at a reduced speed ?
4. Or is there adaptor cards to run them off PCI slots.

I'm very confused