So...ever since this HAF 932 landed on my doorstep, I have been kicking myself that I didn't get a 5970, so that I could get another one later. I used to have a regular case, that's why I got the 5870 and way it could have put up with the heat of 2 5970s. But, the HAF shouldn't have any problem with that.

Is anyone on here thinking about buying a 5870? If so, would you consider buying mine for a good deal, so that I could get a 5970? You would be helping out the team, because later on down the road, that will allow me to add another 5970.

I have this Gigabyte one with dual fans, and the works...

You can see Newegg's price - mine's pretty new - I was thinking maybe $300 ish?
Please Let me know if anyone's interested!